(2) Website Without an Xit.

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You jolted back, staring back at the eyes in discomfort.

Suddenly, in the black box above the eyes, it began to type.

'Hello...' It typed slowly, no music, no sound, just the eyes staring into you.

This was the website error!

But.. didn't you need to add 'voywex' to the link for this to show up..?

You felt the hair on the back of your neck stand on end, your heart beginning to pound.

'You're finally here...' It typed a bit faster, as if excited to finally be getting to you.

'That's not supposed to happen, that is NOT what it says!-' You began to think to yourself in a panic, cut off as you forced yourself to keep reading.

'I can't see you... Can you see me?' It went back to typing slower again, which creeped you out a bit..

'Well, can you...?' Again, it typed, as if the character attached to those eyes was talking... to you.

A secondary box popped up, one you can type in. You decided to just answer the question.

'Yes, I can see you... Who are you...?' You typed, and it went back to typing excitedly.

W: 'I am Wally.'

You could tell in even a glance, that this wasn't fake anymore.

This was THE Wally Darling.

A fictional puppet.

And he was talking right to you.

'Wait.. like, 'Wally Darling'...?' You typed a reply.

His chat box cleared to make room for more text before he started to type again.

W: 'Yes.. Who are you?' He responded yet again.

You were about to reply, when suddenly he 'spoke' again.

W: 'Ha ha ha.. That was a joke.' Quite the jokester...

'Wait, do you know-' You began to type, however, he cut you off.

W: 'I know who you are, [Y/F/N].' Your fake name.. He must've gotten it from the guestbook.

"Not funny.." You mumbled, not expecting anything to come from it.

'I can't see you... But I can hear you.'

"So, this is actually happening.." You spoke up a bit, the black box you had been typing in disappeared, as there was no need for it anyways.

Or that's what you could guess.

'You won't be needing that.' You could now see what the box was hiding, which was him leaning on his hand. You looked at his eyes, and their pupils were no longer shaking intensely in place.

"Holy shit..." You looked at the tab, finding that the tab had nothing you could close it with.

The X of it had disappeared completely.

"Did.. you get rid of the 'close tab' button..?" You looked back to the image of him, he was now in an entirely different pose. His eyes were now half-lidded and he was laying his head down in his arms.

'Why... do you not want to talk to me?' The image of him on the screen now had wide eyes..

"Wh- No!- I mean, yes, I want to talk to you! I was just confused!" You scrambled with your words slightly under his seemingly angered gaze.. You couldn't tell, he was always smiling. The image of Wally was now placing his hands on the table and leaning forwards to look into the 'camera'. You felt like the tension had suddenly just disappeared as Wally sat back down on whatever chair he was in. This time, it wasn't just a cut to the next photo, he actually sat down. It was like he was just recording this from some dark ass room.

'Wonderful, and here I thought you were being mean. ha ha ha.' The text appeared again, however, he was now moving his mouth as if he was actually speaking to you. 

"Geez, you can be really intimidating..." You awkwardly chuckled, trying to calm down from the whole thing.

"So... How are you gonna leave? You do have friends right, like uh... Um-" You didn't look through the neighbors... 'I am a absolute dumbass..'

'I need to go back now..' He frowned for a second before smiling widely with half-lidded eyes.

"It was nice meeting you.." You half-muttered, and in all honesty, you were not looking forward to the fact he could probably appear on your screen anytime he feels like it now..

'Bye [Y/F/N]... I love you..' He waved goodbye, staring at you happily.

And like that, the tab closed.

"What the fuck just happened...?"

[I decided to keep it in Y/Ns pov, but there will be a Wally pov chapter!]


{"𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐁𝐚𝐜𝐤..."} [A Wally Darling x Reader.] (OLD ASF)Where stories live. Discover now