(4) Liar.

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He stared for a moment, eyes slightly dilated like a cat. 

"... Not gonna answer?" You straighte.ned your tilted head back to it's original posture, raising an eyebrow in suspicion. Wally seemed to snap out of it, his eyes going back to normal, but somehow he didn't blink.

"I don't mean to cause you any concern, not at all!" Wally hummed, staring at you calmly with his fully opened eyes and a charming smile. You didn't buy that shit for a second..

Not. One. Bit.

"You're hiding something puppet man..." You muttered, staring intensely into his eyes. "And it is only a matter of time til I find out." You dropped the intense gaze, seeing his possibly flustered expression. Wally went back to his canvas, still keeping eye contact with you. He started to paint something... A person maybe? 'It's probably one of his friends!-' But, then you saw it.

'[H/C] [H/L] hair. . .'

He moved onto the eyes, seeming to put intense detail into the color of them..


Slowly, he painted feature by feature in a random order, no pattern to it at all.

"You CAN see me..." You muttered, causing Wally to turn his 2D head to look at you through the screen.

"Oh, how silly of me.. I guess my little secret is up then, neighbor!" He chuckled, his eyes never once leaving yours. "Do you like my painting...?" Wally gave a more genuine smile towards you, not the screen.. YOU.

"Wally.." You hesitated a bit as he got up and walked towards the screen, leaning in a bit.

"Yes, neighbor?" Wally asked, tilting his head while his eyes were half-lidding...

"What do you want from me...?"



"That's quite simple, [Y/F/N]!"


"I want you."

[TBC. . .]

{"𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐁𝐚𝐜𝐤..."} [A Wally Darling x Reader.] (OLD ASF)Where stories live. Discover now