(3) Aware.

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You sat there in confusion, fear drilling into every bit of your nerves from the events that had unfolded right in front of you.

"Shit..." You muttered, just now noticing the new tab that had opened on its own. It was a png, or at least you thought it was?

You clicked on the tab, and were now met with an image of a all black tab with a white spiral, much like a portal-type effect. You left the tab, and were now back to 'The Neighborhood'! The bright and cheery colors seemed to make your fear evaporate. You began to look through the other characters, obviously, you would save Wally for last for now.

You clicked on the store with a sign that said 'Howdy's Place!', a bit happy to see that this link was normal.

There you saw an image play a small animation with a box to the side of it, in sync without even a lag in sight. The character was green with blue slicked back hair and four arms. He also was wearing a blue striped shirt, a red bowtie attached to some form of off-white collar, a yellow apron with a nametag bearing the name 'Howdy' on it, and red pants with darker red shoes.

Howdy was clearly a shop owner for the small town, that's for sure. And as you read through his story, you had found out that he was a caterpillar, how clever!

You clicked 'Go Back' and moved onto the next one. This one was a dark blue house with a red roof and red paint splattered on the sides of it's png. What caught your eyes was the little golden bone over the door.

It was a...


P U B B Y!

You clicked onto the house and up popped a big blue rainbow spotted dog with a base of light blue. On his hands were clear-as-day rainbow paw pads, and he was juggling while balanced on a circus ball. He wore a rainbow vest with black accents, followed with a red and yellow tie.

This, was Barnaby B. Beagle! Safe to say, he was probably based on a beagle.

Yet again, you pressed 'Go Back' and moved to the yellow and green house!

This one was named 'Frank Frankly'... And honestly you loved the name.

They were grey with a yellow nose and red cheeks, and wore an off-white long sleeved shirt under a rainbow flannel vest with black accents! They also wore a big yellow bowtie, black pants, and of course black dress shoes to match. They were the obvious 'grouchy neighbor' character, so you grew a liking to his color palette!

What was interesting was his head could spin!

You moved to the next few houses, learning the characters, and admiring the designs.

But then..

The last one was Wally's house.

It was red with a blue roof... Have you seen this house before...?

It's eyes had stopped the normal animation, and stared right into you. You clicked Home.

There was the puppet who had slightly traumatized you earlier, Wally Darling.
He was painting on an empty canvas, and was smiling widely. But his eyes were burning right into you, unblinking.
Unlike the other characters, the text in his small 'bio' was more in the present tense while the others were in PAST tense... As if the other characters weren't here anymore...

But, your train of thought was interrupted as something tapped on the screen from INSIDE your laptop.
Wally was there, his hands on the glass as he started at you with half-lidded eyes. It was silent for a moment before his chilling and calm voice broke it, "Hello, [Y/F/N].. It's lovely to see you again..." He tilted his head, eyes now back to their normal stare. "I-" You began to speak, however, Wally was quick to make you shut up. "Now don't be rude neighbor, Home is resting, don't be loud.." You nodded, understanding the request.

"So this is real..." You whispered, as per Wallys' request to not wake 'Home' up, whoever that was... "It is." His head tilted as the audio of him speaking was slightly off due to the fact the website wasn't meant to have actual audio.

[I think I popped my bal-... wait I don't HAVE balls... nvm.]

"So, is this some kind of like.. AI gained consciousness?" You muttered and Wally let out a small chuckle. "No, you're so silly." He said in a playful tone, his eyes now half-lidded.

[quick thing]

[quick thing]

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"So, were you just... Always able to do that?" You tilted your head as you kept eye contact...

[TBC bc idk what else to put into this chapter...]

{"𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐁𝐚𝐜𝐤..."} [A Wally Darling x Reader.] (OLD ASF)Where stories live. Discover now