Interview #1; Winnie

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-zh: what's your last memory?

oh..I don't know really...I think it was Alice, yes Alice. the last day I saw her before her mom donated me to goodwill...the kid who got me in the end threw me out the window on the way home, that's how I ended up here
on the side of the road. Winnie-

-zh: do you miss Alice Winnie?

of course I do. I miss my home as well, but I especially miss my dear Alice. I hope she's doing well, I really do. she's a lovely child...
She gives the best hugs ever too yknow!!
I wish I could have one last hug -Winnie

-zh: if you could say one last thing
to her, what would you say?

I think I'd like to say I miss you so much, and although we are no longer one as we once were, that's okey, you'll be okey. Don't worry about me because I'll always be alright. Take care of yourself Alice, I'll love you forever -Winnie

-zh: you know Winnie I actually have a great friend who has a young daughter, she'd really love to meet you and maybe even take you home if you'd want that...what do you say?

oh, well I am flattered truly, and I appreciate the offer. But no one could ever replace my dear Alice. -Winnie

-zh: oh no, of course not Winnie. I'd never expect or force you too forget about and move on from Alice, I mean how could you? she's your child right? and she always will be in your heart...but your heart is plenty big enough for another child's love, and maybe that's just what you need now Winnie, to be loved and cherished again, you deserve that.

well, when you put it like that...I suppose I could try to love and be loved again. anything is better than sitting on the edge of this road and hoping n wishing someone will find me again someday right?...yeah. okey sure, what's this little girls name if you don't mind me asking? -Winnie

-zh: her name is Ava, and she's been looking for a friend as loving as you for a long time now. I'm sure once you two meet you'll both click, like finding missing parts of yourself in another, wouldn't that be nice Winnie?

that would be wonderful, I can't wait to meet her!!, oh to be loved wholeheartedly and cared for like I'm the most important thing to ever exist to her, do you think she'll like me? -Winnie

-zh: I think she'll love you winnie.

[2 years later; interview with Winnie.2]

-zh: it's been 2 years since we last spoke so, how have you been Winnie? How's life now?

oh it's ever so wonderful really!! Ava has shown me I can love and be loved once more! I didn't think it was truly possible, but it is! -Winnie

-zh: well I'm glad you've grown so much this last year and realized your true worth...can you tell me more about you and Ava Winnie?

of course!! She's such a fun kid, ever so loving too! sometimes I think she can't possibly love me more then what she already does, but she Somehow always finds more love to share with me...and I am truly blessed to experience such a thing. I am very grateful for her. yknow a few weeks ago right before we went to sleep, she pulled me close to her chest and held on tight, she then whispered ever so quietly, "I love you Winnie, forever and always, and that's a promise I won't ever break", it reminded me once upon a time that my dear Alice told me the day she got me that she'd love me forever and ever, and it made me sad for a little while until I realized, both can be true. Alice probably does hold love in her heart for me still, maybe she always will, Ava loves me now and maybe she always will too. no matter what, I will forever be loved, as I will forever love others as well. it's the love that keeps us all going isn't it? at least I think it is. -Winnie

-zh: yes Winnie, I do think it's the love that keeps us all going, isn't that a lovely thing?'s the most beautiful thing. -Winnie

-zh: any last words for the people Winnie?

Thank you for taking your time to read about silly little me stranger, one last thing I have to say is just this; take care of your toys, they love you yknow. all they want is to love you and in return be loved by you. because it's the love. It's always the love. -Winnie

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