Interview #3; danny

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-zh: so you were abandoned?

yes, unfortunately I was. I believe it was by accident...but as the years go on I've started to think maybe it was not. I can only hope it was -Danny

-zh: I'm very sorry you had to go through you mind if I ask your feelings on the matter?

Well...The weight of abandonment weighs heavily on one's heart, the feeling of being discarded like a useless object is suffocating really. The memory of once being loved, now replaced with an indescribable emptiness, The longing to be held and cherished. The void left by abandonment cannot be filled by anything else in this world. One craves the warmth and security of love from those who brought them such joy, but it seems unattainable. The pain dulls over time but remains imprinted on the soul forevermore; a constant reminder of what was once had and now lost. -Danny

-zh: What are your thoughts on your child? do you forgive them? Have you held a grudge all this time?

yknow there is nothing more heartbreaking than feeling like the person we love most in this world has abandoned us and moved on. We are left questioning our own worth, wondering what we did wrong, to the point where we start to believe that perhaps it was our own fault that they left. The pain of losing someone we hold dear is overwhelming and all-consuming, leaving a void in our heart that seems impossible to fill. they move on with their lives, creating new memories and building new relationships with others, while we are left behind struggling to heal from the wounds they inflicted upon us. As much as it hurts, sometimes we have to accept that people come into our lives for a season and then leave when their time is up. -Danny

-zh: I see, so you have forgiven them than?

No, I haven't. but just as there's likely to always be a little bit of sadness and anger left behind in my heart for what they did, there is also a place I hold near and dear to my heart that's filled with love just for them. I will always love that kid, just as i will always have a dark spot on my heart that they put there. -Danny

-zh: I see. well, thank you for speaking with me today Danny, it's greatly appreciated.

yeah yeah course, thanks for the conversation

interviews with the forgotten, the discarded, and the damaged Where stories live. Discover now