Interview #4; sir Arthur the 2nd

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-zh: nice to meet you Arthur. I was hoping we could talk about your life experiences thus far if you don't mind?

well only since you asked so nicely young man -Arthur

-zh: I appreciate it. before we started the recording you told me your a rather elderly man now a days, how old are you Arthur? And of course what's your story as well...

Well...I was Once a cherished companion, I am now nothing but a worn and tattered relic of the past. my stuffing has long since lost its softness, and my once bright eyes are now faded and dull. -Arthur

-zh: what happened to your kid if it's okey that I ask, feel free to not answer any questions that make you feel uncomfortable.

it's fine, I suppose. You see The loss of a child is the most excruciating pain a toy can experience. When the one person you love with all your heart is taken from you at such a young age, there are no words to describe the depth of sorrow and despair that ensues. My boy was my world, my reason for living - we did everything together and shared some of the happiest moments of our lives. His sudden death completely shattered me, leaving me lost and alone in a world that had become cruel and unfair. I loved my boy more than anything in this world, but now I am left with only memories and the crushing realization that he will never return to me. -Arthur

-zh: I very sorry for your loss Arthur, I truly had no idea. would you like to talk about him more?

Look I'm not one to dwell on the past, but you asked. And honestly, talking about him just brings up a lot of emotions that I'd rather keep buried. So forgive me if I don't want to rattle off all the details for you and you're audiences entertainment. you know my pain isn't for public consumption. -Arthur

-zh: absolutely!! I meant no harm nor to offend you in any way at all, I apologize.

No...I'm sorry. that was very rude of me...I suppose I just haven't really thought of him in great detail in so long now that doing it so suddenly just, hurt. and I didn't expect it too. I apologize for my outburst. of course I'd love to tell you about my boy, although it might's good to know his memory will live on in those who read this. — The Memories flood back as I sit here and think of him, how I long to hear his laughter again, and the comfort he brought into my life. It's as if a piece of me has been taken away. i yearn for just one more moment with him, one chance to say goodbye or even just tell him how much i loved him.
My boy was only 11 when he passed, i believe it was pneumonia? something like that at least, it was very sudden and unexpected, a shock to me and his parents. They kept me locked away in his room for months after his death, until they finally decided to get rid of most of his stuff, including me. since I'm no longer the soft cuddly bear I once was, nobody seemed to take an interest in me anymore. So now I'm alone. -Arthur

-zh: I'm at a loss for words, really. I'm so very sorry that happened to you Arthur, I'm sure your boy is watching from beyond the stars, happy knowing your still here to tell others his story. I'm sure he misses you as you do him....I hate to leave it at that but I sadly must be going, thank you so much for sharing you and your boys story though Arthur. any last words for the readers?

his favorite color was time you see the color blue, stop for a second and tell my boy I said hi...and I miss him dearly. -Arthur

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2023 ⏰

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