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I'm always happy to see you again

"No matter how many lives of yours I come across, I will always love you, Chuuya Nakahara."


Chuuya died a lot. At least in Dazai's eyes he died a lot. Let's cut to the chase. Dazai is a vampire. One who has been living, well I guess not living, for over ten-thousand centuries. And each century comes Chuuya Nakahara. Dazai lost count of all of the times he had seen Chuuya die. But it was always of old age. He had seen Chuuya's gray hair, wrinkled skin, and slowing heart ten-thousand times. But he never ever got sick of it. Until the 10,001th time he died. Murder.


Dazai remembers walking home from work. Usually he wouldn't leave Chuuya alone and always get work online, but for now he had to get a part time job because he couldn't find any work online. He thought it was weird. After ten-thousand centuries he couldn't find it now. Well, of course he didn't have internet for a long period of time, so not ten-thousand centuries, but it was still weird.

He just shrugged it off thinking 'Somethimes people can't find work, Dazai. You're no accepting just because your not actually a person. When he got to his house he remembered he left his keys inside when he left for work, so he just simply picked the lock. He'd gotten quite good at lock picking from all of his years of experience. However, he wished he'd been at least a little more prepared before he picked the lock and opened the door. He callaped to his knees at the sight.

Chuuya was murdered. Red wine blood stained about everything around the kitchen. It looked like he was being sliced while running. This was none other than a vampire. His kind. His own kind did this. He stared in shock at his, now ex, lover. How could someone do this to Chuuya? To him? He was in denial to say the least. This was the day he shed his second tear. The first being when Chuuya died of old age the first time.

Then before he new it tears were waterfalling fown his face. He was shocked at what was before his eyes, shocked how Chuuya died of murder after so many times dying of old age, and shocked at himself for crying. He rarely, and I mean rarely cried. Like once in a blue moon rare. Dazai was reluctant to get up and search the house that now only belong to him. He had to see if the said murderer was still in his house. After wondering about he noticed a window was open.

As you probably have heard, vampires can not be shown to sun or else they'll obliterate. So obviously they never had windows open, and Dazai only went out on cloudy days. He averted his eyes to the floor in which was directly below the open window. To his surprise, ashes scattered the floor. This meant the murderer died. He got what he deserved. But what about Chuuya? Who was tooken away from Dazai. Dazai screamed to himself, falling to the floor beside the ashes.
Now he'd have to wait until next century.


Chuuya died from the same cause this time. Murder. This time was different. Chuuya was sniped during a peaceful drive with his lover. Dazai thought that if he was with Chuuya 24/7 he couldn't be murdered. He guessed he was wrong. Dazai swirved to the side if the rode, terrified. He grabbed Chuuya out of the car and tried holding his hand to the bullet hole to apply pressure. But Chuuya's pulse still stopped. This time Dazai didn't cry...at that moment in time. When he got home he probably drank six flasks of whiskey, hysterical.

There was no way in hell he'd let this happen again.


"Osamu please get over yourself and just turn me!" Chuuya wined.

Dazai smiled after Chuuya's words, placing a handing his.

"Chuuya you understand if I bite you then you'll live forever just like me, right? Dazai asked.

"Well...isn't that the point?" Chuuya replied.

Dazai flashed his the most living smile he could muster before biting into Chuuya's skin. Chuuya yelped out of pain, but the pain was soon overpowered by pleasure as he grinned. Dazai sucked Chuuya's blood like his life depended on it. In order to turn a human into a vampire you have to bite into their neck and suck their blood while injecting your venom through their system until their heart stops. It didn't take long before Chuuya's heart stopped.

It really wasn't a pleasant feeling, but Chuuya didn't care. He awoke slowly opening his, now red, eyes. Vampires eyes turned red when they were either angry, or were craving blood. Dazai took a wild guess and decided it was the first one. Chuuya, after regaining full conscience jumped into Dazai's arms.

"Now, my love...we can be together forever," Dazai assured.

Chuuya looked at his with loving eyes and the fattest smile he could muster.

"Say it," Chuuya said, "Say the first thing you said when you met me. When I thought you were crazy for saying such words."

Dazai let out a measly chuckle before complying to his lovers demands.

"No matter how many lives of yours I come across, I will always love you, Chuuya Nakahara," Dazai stated lovingly moving a strand of Chuuya's bursting hair behind his ears.

"It never gets old," Chuuya answered.

'And neither do you' Dazai thought.


I wanted for this to be longer, but it's midnight, so whatever. I really like this one even though Chuu died. I love Chuuya so much! I've also been wanting to right a vampire au for quite a while, so I feel sort of complete now.

Anyways, please leave your comments, Grammer corrections, or suggestions in the comments. I love hearing you guys~

Words: 1,000 (lol)

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