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You checked in Jungkook's apartment but he wasn't there either... You didn't know where else to search for him... Since he had come to your office on his one seater Harley, he might have gone far... But where???

"How am I gonna find you Jungkook??? Where did you go??? Please come back..."

You were aimlessly driving around the city when a sudden thought hit your mind... You remember the time when Jungkook took you to a hidden spot in the forest, far away from the city...

Flashback -----

'Where are you taking me, Kook???' you questioned while he had covered your eyes with his palms...

'You'll see for yourself soon, baby... Just keep walking... I got you...' he pecked your neck.

After few more steps, you came to a halt...

'Open your pretty eyes, my love...' he removed his hands and hugged you from behind resting his chin on your shoulder.

Your eyes were mesmerized by the scintillating lights of the city... The open cliff was providing access to the whole view...

'Oh My Gosh... It's beautiful...' you squeaked in excitement.

'I know right?... I always came here when I felt lost or didn't know what to do next... And now it's rare, because I found all my answers in you..'

'If I ever lose my way to you.... Will I be able to find you here???' you turned to face him.

He pecked your lips and answered with a smile... 'The day you lose me, will be the day I die...'

End of flashback-----


You pushed on the accelerator even harder and turned your steering wheel towards the only hope you had of finding him...

The car reached at the point where either you had to walk or have a two wheeler to drive inside... Ain't no way a broad one could go through.

It was way past midnight, the moon shining in all its glory along with the stars in the clear sky...

"God... If you really exist, please help me find my Jungkook... I don't know where he is or if he's okay... Please protect him when I'm not around..." you prayed while walking in the deep dark forest...

The open cliff finally came in sight after struggling to take a shortcut with few cuts and bruises over your body...

You walked closer and descried a two wheeler which you knew belonged to your man... But he wasn't anywhere near the vehicle.

You panicked when you espied Jungkook laying down on the edge of the cliff with both his hands under his head supporting it as a pillow... He seemed to be counting stars or appreciating the beauty outside of the planet...

You took a deep breath thanking The Almighty for granting your prayers...

"Jungkook..." you whispered crouching down to his level...

His head shot up to look at you and his eyes were puffy and red as though he cried all night...

"Baby???" he seemed shocked."How did you get here??? And what are you doing here this late???"

You smiled at him... "I'm sorry I had lost my way ... But I'm glad I found you..."

He immediately stood up on his feet but the second he took a step forward, a tiny granule of rock slipped right under his feet making him lose his balance... He was about to go down the cliff but you grabbed his hand pulling him closer to you with all your might and he stumbled on top of you right on the ground...

ILLIMITABLE | A JJK Fanfiction | Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now