Chapter 1

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A few years after the war was won, the muggles found us. Luckily, my children and I were within gringotts when the initial bombings happened. That was the day they closed for good.

Being the last magical alive... Humans alive, I went around the world bringing the children, creatures and any magical plants I could find to gringotts for safety.

Gathering anything magical that was still intact. Keeping the tombs and grimoires within an undetectable expanded pouch. All gems, ores, magical materials, and coins I was allowed to keep.

The children found were blood, adopted by me to the fullest. Making me their only parent biologically. All 15 of them were of the ages 5-10. The youngest was still a babe. All of them were put under stasis and within shrunken crystal cases that decorate the chain around my neck.

Making my way through the hidden entrance of gringotts bank, I am rushed to the head goblin.

"Ah, lady potter! We found an ancient artefact within a vault that was frozen since the early 1500s. It is an archway that takes you to the past. To operate it, we need the blood of the Peverel lineage. You may be wondering why I'm telling you this. We wish for you to travel to the past, you will be able to take your children and everything you have found, gifted, and willed. Since this timeline will be erased, we have gifted you everything within gringotts. You will not be placed within your younger body, but go as yourself. I have written a detailed letter for you to give to me in the past. Gringotts will back you in anything you need."

"When do I leave?" I asked with resolution. I made up my mind the moment he said I could take my children. After reading through the tomb, I found that I could be in place anywhere in the world. Lady magic would place me where I was needed. Understanding the risks and chances I will be taking by doing this. One of the risks was the children requiring another parent from that time. Though that would be the most concerning thing had they not been blood adopted by me. They still have the chance of requiring it, all lady magic's call.


I was awakened by the long forgotten sound of birds and life. I could feel my magic rejoice and pulsate with the magic flowing through the earth.

Once my magic calmed enough for me to move, I searched through my belongings, making sure everything was with me. I change my tattered clothes for an elegant dress that would catch the attention of the pure-bloods. Taking the letter for these times, Ragnarök, I apparate to gringotts bank.

Opening the Archway to diagon alley, I walk towards the bank. My magic forcing people from my path. Bowing enough to respect the noble goblin guards, I wait for them to bow.

" My lady, you require not bow to us, for the honour of being in your presence gives us more respect and honour to our clans.
Your escort has been summoned the moment you stepped into goblin grounds. The king is waiting for you." The two goblins spoke. I smile gently at them. Standing with authority, I nod at the armed escorts who kneel before me. I can feel the eyes of the pure bloods in the alley and bank as we enter the building.

I noticed a pair of platinum blondes with someone I would always remember. Tom Riddle. I halt the escort when we neared them. I walk up to young dark lord. Standing in front of him, I lift his chin and look him in the eyes.

" Lord Malfoy, I wish to bring this boy with me. There is something special about him. Do not worry, no harm shall become of him in my care. I will have him at your manor at 8pm sharp or give a notice if he is to stay longer." I spoke, not taking my eyes off tom. Without waiting for a response, I gently lead him into the group. I could tell he was surprised, tense, curious, and cautious. He was either behind me or next to me, depending on how wide the hallway was.

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