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It would be nice if the rain washed the heart

Agafel's castle was in full swing preparing for the betrothal ceremony. It was because of Kiern's rush to commit.
Elizabeth thought that was her answer.
My heart fell to the ground and was carelessly trampled on before ascending to heaven.
The sweet kiss became a cruel memory that haunted Elizabeth.
He casually treated me like I was casually kicking a passing stone. At the thought of being used, at the thought of being despised, Elizabeth ached.
I told Stella that I didn't want to be in Agafel's castle anymore.
"Mom, shall we move? At that time, he said that he liked the Kingdom of Britain, so you can cross the border completely.
"What nonsense is that? Where are you going, leaving the house in good condition?
Stella frowned as if she had heard something absurd.
Elizabeth's stomach turned as she took Castle Agafell for granted as her home. She also thought so, but it was no longer impossible.
Elizabeth spoke her mind calmly.
“This is not our house anyway. No matter how much convenience the duke offers, it seems too shameless."
Stella's eyes widened at Elizabeth's words.
"Why are you not ashamed? Did you know we're here for free? don't realize it. We stay here paying a fair price”.
"I do not mean that. I just don't want to be here anymore."
At Elizabeth's words, Stella stopped what she was doing and stood in front of her and took her hand.
"What's up. What's going on?"
“… … .”
"Are you related to Master Kiern by any chance?"
Elizabeth raised her bowed head at the words that ran through her head. Then Stella's face lit up.
“Right! It seems like there was something going on between you two?
"No mom. Don't say big trouble. You're going to get engaged soon.
"You're not even engaged yet. Why are you so scared and ready to give up?"
Stella began to chatter like someone who had heard a very funny story.
“I thought you were naive, but your eyes are high. So, did you kiss Kiern at the banquet?
Stella groaned as Elizabeth was stabbed and was unable to respond.

"Oh my gosh, Ellie! My dear daughter."
Then he hugged Elizabeth. Elizabeth couldn't understand Stella's reaction at all.
It felt like something was off. He didn't say anything, but of course it was strange to conclude that something happened with Kiern at the banquet.

Stella said so. You came here to make a lover.

Elizabeth belatedly remembered what Kiern had said at the banquet and opened her mouth.
“Your mother brought Kiern to the banquet? Originally, it was not a place that I would come to.”
“You are dragging it. I just told you where you went. I went to see you because my eyes were wide open, but you can't catch a person alive."
Stella put on a sullen expression, but calmly excused herself. As the doubt in Elizabeth's eyes wouldn't go away, Stella continued.
"Anyway. Since you've been missing since you went to the banquet, I filmed what happened with Kiern."
"It is not like this."
"No. More than that, Kiern really, I haven't seen it like that, but he's doing too much. To kiss you and then go through with the engagement."
“That was just a mistake… … .”
“Did you say it was a mistake? You didn't say you would know, did you, Ellie?
Stella's eyes widened. Elizabeth stood there blankly, she said.
"Assume the responsibility. Just say you should never commit."
"...... What qualifications do I have?"
Kiern doesn't even like me anyway.
It was clear that they kissed in the mood of that day. After that, Kiern didn't even say anything about that day.
Stella said as Elizabeth's face darkened. He said he was consoling me, but it was a word that made me question something.
“Eat hard. Because there is still a chance. I don't want my daughter to live like a mistress."
"What do you mean, mom?"
Elizabeth looked at Stella, surprised by the word 'government'. She then rolled her eyes with a face that meant oops.
“I am speechless because I am excited. I mean, I can't let my daughter live like a mistress!
"Nothing like that. That's bad."
"Not necessarily… … ."
"Yeah? What mom?"
"no. anything. Wow, look at my mind. I was going to bring this to you soon."
Stella clapped her hands and left the room with a still unopened basket of towels.
Elizabeth stared in the direction in which Stella had disappeared.
Then suddenly what Kiern had said came to mind. His words about the romance between Stella and the duke.

'Wasn't that too low a rumor for innocent Ellie to hear?'

Why do these words come to mind right now?
Elizabeth clenched her hands uneasily.
But even that reminded her of Kierne, so Elizabeth shook her head madly to erase the thought.

* * *

By the weekend afternoon, Elizabeth had no power.
Kiern had long since left the castle around afternoon. Knowing that the place she was going to was Prairie Castle, Elizabeth found it difficult to make up her mind.
You must be watching Abigail and the Opera now.
Thinking about it reminded me of the kiss that day.
Unlike me, who was very excited, his dry face, which had violently sunk, appeared next, and my eyes clouded over again.
Even knowing his heart, the sky was filled with clouds and it looked like it was going to rain.
Even until yesterday, the sky was bright blue.
Elizabeth stood expressionless in the garden for a while, waiting for the sky to scream for me.
how long was that? Suddenly, a drop of water fell on my cheek. When I looked up, the raindrops were gradually thickening.
In an instant, rain fell relentlessly from the darkening sky. As if he was trying to make Elizabeth's wish come true.
Like a passing rain, I hid under the shade of a beautiful tree.
The ground was dry as if it was not raining just under the big tree. The leaves were so dense that even the thickest raindrops could not penetrate.
Elizabeth sighed as she leaned against the tree. There was no point in seeing me hiding under a tree in the rain.
It was pathetic because it couldn't be decent. It was because I was acting like a person who had gotten discouraged even though I had fluttered on my own and was rejected.
without even starting. I didn't know why my heart broke like this, like the two of them were dating.
The rain continued to fall. With no sign of stopping, Elizabeth decided to get caught in the rain and head home.
It's wet anyway, so even if it gets wet, nothing will change.
I would prefer my heart to be washed with this rainwater.
Elizabeth made up her mind and immediately grabbed the hem of her dress and began to run. Even if I ran, I couldn't avoid the rain, but I ran and ran again.
Her heart racing, she made it to the hall and was unfortunately met by Kiern, who had just returned with Abigail.
Elizabeth froze and looked at the two of them.
I ran into two people that I didn't want to run into anymore right now.
Abigail seemed surprised to see Elizabeth wet. Kierne, who was at her side, gave Elizabeth a dry look.
His gaze moved from her wet hair to her wet clothes.
Feeling embarrassed to be naked, Elizabeth turned around without saying a word.
“Oh, Mrs. Lua. Looks like you got caught in the rain.
But at the same time, because Abigail was talking to him, he couldn't even hide.
When Elizabeth turned her back on him and stood still, Abigail moved closer to her.
A pool of water formed around Elizabeth before she knew it. It was rainwater from his wet clothes.
Abigail looked back and forth between the ground and Elizabeth.
“The rain suddenly falls like a hole in the sky. I guess you didn't have an umbrella. I'm going to catch a cold like this.
Then she took a handkerchief from her bag and handed it to her. Elizabeth's gaze turned to the scarf.
It belonged to Kierne. "Why does Abigail have her handkerchief?"
“Oh, look at my mind. Use this, not this."
Then, naturally, he switched to another handkerchief and held it in his hand. At that moment, Elizabeth felt a bulge inside her.
Kiern wasn't one to give things away to others. I was so possessive of my own things that I rarely allowed others to own them.
Why does Abigail have her scarf? And knowing that, why does Kiern continue?
At the end of that thought, Elizabeth didn't want to accept the conclusion that 'it's okay because Abigail is his'.
But I couldn't find any reason other than that.
Elizabeth tried to hate Abigail. Who would have expected a favor that was thrown around like it was a good fit? Rather, letting me go would have been much more helpful.
Elizabeth forced a smile and expressed her gratitude.
"thank you."
Then, as I was about to head back, something hung over my shoulder. The warm coat gave off a familiar smell. The smell of healthy earth and cypress mixed with the smell of rain and touched my nose.
I hated Kiern, who rejected my heart and acted nicely like it was nothing.
Elizabeth told him, taking off her coat again.
"I'm going to change anyway, but there's no need to get your clothes dirty."
“Put it on and go. I'm going to wash it anyway.
Kierne added, running through her wet hair and clothes. I felt strange wherever my blue eyes touched.
“Don't be stubborn, put it on. Unless you want to wear something transparent.
At those words, Elizabeth's face seemed to heat up.
Come to think of it, she was wearing an underdress, so the clothes were thin. When I realized late that I was drenched from the rain and my underwear was transparent, I couldn't refuse anymore.
"Thank you."
Elizabeth quickly left the place after giving a small response while adjusting her coat.
Behind her, Abigail said, “Sir Kiern is very kind. I hadn't even thought about that." A slight exclamation was heard.
Kiern then said something, but I couldn't hear it. It was the sound of their footsteps that devoured him.
He just wanted to run away from both of them. Elizabeth ran and ran. I ran to the room, ignoring the servants who asked if I was alright.
My entire body trembled as I remembered the look in Abigail's eyes when Kiern took off her coat.
Those eyes seemed to be blaming me. No, maybe she was scared by the fact that she kissed him and thinking of it that way.
Whatever it was, Elizabeth felt guilty.
Why did you do me that favor in front of Abigail?
I felt sorry for Abigail, who complimented Kiern knowing nothing.
Why do you make me feel like a sinner?
Why do you keep making me wish for it to come and don't hesitate to throw it on the ground?
Wherever Elizabeth ran, there were tracks of water. The tight dress seemed tight inside, as if it had been grabbed by the neck.
It was just like me, sticking persistently even if I deleted it. I felt like I was that kind of person for Kiern.
As soon as he entered the room, he closed the door and sat down. He was lucky it rained.
Thanks to that, I couldn't tell if the water running down my wet face was rainwater or tears.
Elizabeth buried her face in her lap and cried aloud.
He no longer wanted to be in the Castle of Agafel.
I couldn't bear to smile next to him anymore.

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