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Peace is a harbinger of unhappiness

After Elizabeth found out that Beatrix was Anna Trisha, she often searched for her. Except when we met at the orphanage, we always called each other by name.
The more they gathered, the closer they became than before.
Elizabeth felt comforted by Beatriz's presence. It felt like a little breath in life that seemed to be stuck all the time.
But, as always, the relief for Isabel was a harbinger of misfortune.
It was at a time when I was helping with a charity project organized by Anna. Of course, the Parker family was also included in the family they shared.
Elizabeth was reluctant to meet Abigail as she already knew about the relationship between Abigail and James. Of course, it wasn't like he was spitting in my face to insult James' behavior.
However, even though he was in the same situation, he wasn't sure where his dignified appearance was. He seemed like someone who didn't know it was something to be ashamed of.
Besides, James was still impatient with Elizabeth. It must be just Abigail staying here and making Elizabeth nervous.
It was shameless, though he seemed to assume that Elizabeth was already aware of their relationship.
Perhaps it was because he knew very well that Elizabeth would not be able to speak. She was uncomfortable with James's duplicity in pushing me against a different standard.
And an uninvited guest came unannounced.
"Are you pretending to be a saint this time?"
James yelled, deliberately dropping the things Elizabeth had arranged. Elisabeth frowned at the barber's demeanor.
However, Elizabeth, who had learned that the more she talked, the more tired she got, easily ignored him and lowered her head to pick up the dropped item.
Was it that he was outraged by such a lack of response?
James stomped on the back of Elizabeth's hand as she was about to pick up the item. The sudden pain made Elizabeth groan.
"Ups, I'm sorry."
Unlike apples, the power to stomp on them has become stronger. As he slowly withdrew his foot, the shoe prints on his hands became apparent.
Elisabeth glared at her, clutching her hand in the searing pain.
"What is this?"
"A mistake, a mistake."
"Mr. James!"
“Then why are you playing in front of me and getting on my nerves? Especially someone who doesn't fit in at all."
James shrugged as if he had done nothing wrong. As an insult, Elizabeth muttered while clenching her hands.
“I'm just helping my acquaintances with their work. If you don't like it that much, Lord, you just can't come here."
Originally, I would have fired and left.
As expected, James wasn't the type to stay at events like this for long. The only variable was the presence of Elizabeth, who of late had been bothering her lover.
Abigail seemed to care a lot about Elizabeth, and James hated Elizabeth for insulting her like that.
So he did not hesitate to torment her. James grew up.
“I don't even know that acquaintance. That you walk in and out of the duke's bedroom every night.
At the threatening words, Elizabeth trembled without even protesting.
Anna didn't know anything. So the present peace was like a castle built on sand.
Elizabeth hoped that Anna would never find out. for as long as possible.
Then he shouldn't have let James go crazy like this.
Elizabeth got up from her seat with a determined face. It was because he didn't want to be under his attack all the time. At least for James.
"You are in no condition to tell me such a thing."
"What do you mean?"
When James made a disgusted face, Elizabeth said.
“Lady Prairie is a person who regards honor as life. I won't hold you if you try to make a lot of noise in the neighborhood like this."
“… … What, did you really know?
James smiled and looked at Elizabeth. But it was not a terrifying spectacle.
"So you're going to blackmail me?"
“Your bullying came first. So don't bother with my business… … .”
"Because it says let's see!"
James raised and lowered his hand as if to hit Elizabeth. It was just a threat, but the shock as if she had already been hit engulfed Elizabeth.
The shrunken body was outraged. He hated himself so much that he couldn't stand it.
He barely calmed his excitement and smiled. It was a comment that seemed to urge her to do something.
“Wouldn't it be better to put a spell on him and take a seat next to him? I think that's more like Miss Elizabeth than this kind of hypocrisy."
The seat next to James was the position of the duchess. Elizabeth said with a tired face.
"I have never coveted that position."
“Then why bother Abigail by hanging around? If you don't want anything, you can go on your own, right?"
Elizabeth could not bear to say that her mother had killed the duke, so she refused with a single knife.
Anyway, I'm sure I know both of them, so James won't be able to scare me easily anymore.
If the relationship between James and Abigail is found out, he will break up with Abigail.
At least James seemed genuine to Abigail. So Elizabeth longed for him to leave me alone.
James didn't turn around and pick up the items that had fallen on the floor and put them on the table.
It was absurd watching me drop it and pick it up again. After a while he approached Elizabeth.
It seemed like he wanted something from her. Elizabeth looked at James. His face was still itching to scratch me.
“There was a corner that was more stubborn and angkal than it seems. Is that why Kiern fell in love too? He's crazy enough to gossip with a girl who has nothing, not even with that guy.
Elizabeth looked silently at James. It was more painful that I could not refute anything of his words.
As he said, Isabel's situation was not very dignified. At least James would have chosen the position, but not Elizabeth.
Being foolish, he himself was caught in a trap and waited for the moment to die. The starting line with that clear difference made Elizabeth an idiot that she couldn't even refute.
Isabel, who couldn't stand the repeated fighting, stopped what she was doing and said.
Isn't Sir James very proud? At least you don't have to be blamed.
“It's quite bold. How are you and I the same? You have nothing around you, but I have a family.
"I beg your pardon?"
“I live like this because I have a corner to believe in. You, who have nothing, would be criticized for living like this, but not me”.
“… … .”
“If it is revealed to the world that you are the duke's mistress, I will surely be stoned, but if it is revealed that I am Abigail's mistress, it will be enveloped in love. Don't you still know that's the difference between you and me?"
James smiled, pointing his finger at Elizabeth and me mischievously.
He couldn't stop scratching at Elizabeth, even though he knew he couldn't be more provocative. I wanted to push him like it was his fault that this whole relationship got tangled up.
That was when Elizabeth's face scrunched up at the mean smile.
The sound of something crashing to the ground drew Elizabeth and James's eyes to one place. There was Anna Trisha.
Anna was so white that she couldn't even think to pick it up even after dropping the item she was carrying. Elizabeth covered her mouth.
Anna's face, evidently hearing what they had just said, turned red.
James hurried out with a puzzled look on his face. He left everything to Elizabeth.
After a while, Anna grabbed Elizabeth by the wrist with a scary face like a rhinoceros and took her to a quiet place. And when it was just the two of them, he yelled in an interrogation.
"Please explain."
“Lady Anna, I… … .”
"It is not like this? It's all a misunderstanding. Are you saying you're Kierne's mistress?
Anna asked with trembling hands as if pleading. Elizabeth couldn't lie. As James said, Elizabeth was a person who couldn't be proud for a moment.
"sorry… … ."
"Oh Lord… … ."
Anna withdrew her hand and stepped back, washing her face dry. His dry and wrinkled hands seemed to be mixed with anxiety.
Disappointment was thick in his eyes. Those eyes seemed to be criticizing Elizabeth.
“Why are you doing something so outrageous? For what reason!"
“… … .”
“Neither you nor Kiern, you all don't understand. Why the hell are you… … .”
That was all Elizabeth could say. Knowing the inside story, Anna would surely despise her.
If he knew his mother was involved in his friend's death, he wouldn't want to see Elizabeth anymore.
“So the man who made you sad was Kierne Agafel? this stupidity. What to do what to do!"
Elizabeth swallowed back tears and apologized repeatedly. Anna looked up at the sky and let out a deep breath. After a while, he took Elizabeth's hand with a determined expression.
"I need to meet Kiern right away."

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