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Tw: cursing


Hyunjin eyes fluttered open almost getting blinded by the strong lights.

"Ahh, it hurts " he groaned as he slowly sat up against a tree. Once he seated comfortably he realized he wasn't exactly alone there. Hyunjin glanced to his side, being faced by three very familiar lookin male, staring at him, each having different emotions written all over their faces.

Hyunjin raised a brow as he caressed his pained head "Chan? Changbin? Seungmin?? What are you guys doing here and where is.." he glanced around again, panic raising inside him, heart pounding out of his chest as he couldn't see a certain person.

"where is Felix!?" He stood up almost loosing his balance by the sudden action.
Chan rushed to his side,  immediately getting a hold of the taller boy, helping him to stay balanced. Hyunjin just gave him a questionable look, feeling lightly dizzy and a strong pain on the area of his head which caused him to groan again. "Hell..this is painful"

All the three man gave each other an uneasy look before one of them decided to step forward and anwser the prince's question, a lump forming in his throat as he began.

"Felix he..."

"He what??" Interrupted the boy terrifiedly.

"He is in danger Hyunjin.." blurted out Seungmin.

"No, please tell me he's not" he grabbed the male's shoulders, staring deeply into his eyes with a hint of desperation.

"I'm afraid he is Hyunjin.." the puppy like male gave him a concerned look.

Hyunjin couldn't take it anymore and broke down into tears, slumping himself on the ground. Chan crouched beside the boy throwing an arm around his neck, trying his best to comfort the distressed prince.

"Do you know the way toward Felix's house? It would be better if we go somewhere else rather than satying here" suggested Changbin staring at his boyfriend's direction, who gave a small nod in agreement.

Hyunjin sniffled and wiped his tears away, glancing at the two males with glossy eyes.

"I-I know" he mumbled and slowly stood up, clingling onto Chan's arm so he won't loose his balance again as he still felt light headed.

Eventually they managed to arrive to the freckled male's cottage, which was now stood empty due to the younger male missing.

Hyunjin felt a wave of emotions hit him when no one was welcoming them warmly, with a bright, adorable smile as usually when they entered the small house. Though he had so many question lingering in his mind.

He doesn't even know what exactly happened with him and why he was laying in the dirt when he woke up. After feeling a sudden sharp pain everything went black and god's knows for how many hours he had layed there for after the incidence.

The other thing is that, how these three found him or more like how did they managed to get here? Weren't the portal closed? Did it got open somehow again?

Hyunjin shuddered when something cold touched his skin. He turned to his side and was met with his dear servant who was holding an ice pack in his hands.

"I suppose you will need this, take it." Chan said as he pushed the pack in the male's hand.

Hyunjin let out a whimper as he placed the small pack to the side where he felt an intense pain radiating from.

"How did you guys come here?? Is the portal still open?" inquired the ravenette, making an eye contact with the shorter brunette beside him.

"Seungmin and Changbin managed to make it open. We came here to help you and well..We kind of arrived late" he scratched his neck.

Fairytail | Hyunlix [Unfinished]Where stories live. Discover now