Too much question

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"Changbin?" The boy eyes widened.

"Yes it's me" Changbin smirked as he step forward a little, showing his infamous smile to the brunette.

"How? What? Where did you came from? Haven't see you in five years if not more" Chan scratched his neck slightly in disbelief.

"I'm living at district 9 kingdom, the one beside this one" explained the shorter male.

"Why did you came here? I mean no offence but what's with the sudden visit?"

"I came here for something I'm gonna explain to you at a different place" He gazed around and Chan nodded his head.

"Alright, follow me" Changbin motioned and Chan did what he was told, he tag along with the shorter male, being curious about what he exactly planned to told him.

Him and Changbin used to be child hood friend's. They met trough their mother's who were also used to be close friends at one point.

Everything went geat between them until, the shorter male one day announced him and his family going to move away.

More like into a completly different kingdom for whatever reason the short ravenette never told him.

Because of that, they could barely see each other. After moving away, Changbin used to visit him a few times a year but the visit's began to lessen and then completly stopped  for the past five years.

And now he was here again, after dissapearing for a not so short time. And it seemed like he didn't just came here for a simple, friendly visit.

It was something more serious.

The two boy continued to walk in complete silence until they reached a very familiar looking place for the older one.

It was Changbin's old family house.

"Wow. I didn't expected this house still to be here" Chan noted as he eyed the small building up and down.

"Yeah. My mom didn't sold it because she grew up here and didn't had the heart to get rid of it." explained Changbin.

"So this was left as an abandoned house?" asked Chan out of curiousity.

Changbin shooked his head with a small smile. "No it wasn't. She sometimes came back to make sure it stand's in a good condition." He told and walked up to the door to open it.

"Come inside"

Chan sighed and walked into the small house, old, sweet memories welcoming him right in the moment he entered the place.

It was suprising how everything still managed to look exactly the same he saw last time.
He loved to came here as a child.

Mrs. Seo was the kindest woman he has ever met beside his mother. Each visit she always prepared cookies and delicious meals which Chan very much loved.
No wonder she was a great cooker cuz after all Mrs. Seo used to work at a bakery.
She had the skill's and everything.

About Mr. Seo. He barely knew anything about him. He saw the male  a few times before but never managed to know him a little better cuz he always stayed very quiet and looked very imitating as well.

"Is your mother perhaps with you right now?" asked Chan and turned towards the shorter male with a glint of hope in his eyes.

"No she isn't but I'm not completly alone" explained Changbin as he took a sit in one of the armchair's.

"You not?"

Changbin shooked his head and pointed towards one of the wooden door.

"I'll explain that one a little later, now let's talk about the actual reason we came here for" He said it in a serious tone.

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