Prologue: After the Honeymoon

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"Walt, enough with the bullshit already." The Seabunny, under the name of Xhan said as he was getting Impatient, waiting for someone to tell him about after the Honeymoon. "I've been waiting for every minute, and I've waited enough. What are you gonna tell me?"

"Alright, alright, I'll tell you, dear...~" The Snow Leopard, Walt, said In a charming voice, his white winter coat being perfect In straight lines. "Guess what exciting news I have to tell to the Detective Agency...!"

"This better be good." Xhan said In a strict voice. "Last time It was one of your lies I can't stand." He was a little pissed from last time he heard his husband's news. Noticeable for the fact that he can be a bit mad sometimes, but as It depends on the things and people around him, It can be something different.

"Of course, It's not. It's for real this time, I promise." Walt smiled as he kissed his forehead to make him smile. There also had been a few times he made Xhan smile by kissing his forehead, or others he prefers. "Alright, here are the greatest news of all...!"

"We're having a baby!"

Xhan spit out his coffee and coughed, with his eyes wide open as he didn't expect what kind of news he was excited to tell about. Sure, he can let Walt tells some news of some sorts, but the surprising news that he wasn't hoping to hear. A baby? He never thought of It until now. Shocked, he turning his head a bit In confusion.

"A-A baby? W-Walt, you can't be serious..."

"I am serious." The Snow Leopard said, holding his hands. "I got the news from the Doctor that we're having a boy, girl, or both. Isn't It great? A child of our own, and as a family...~"

"A family, you say...?" Xhan also have thought of that before, but he was too nervous to do so. He also held his husband's hand, but he decided to do a low-growl since he remembered the time before they were married.

"If we're having a child because we did the other time before we were engaged, I'll sue for whatever you did to our son or daughter..."

Walt was Intimidated a bit when he sweated, but have him a warm smile.

"Of course not. Our child will be just the way they are..."

Xhan scoffed. "They'd better be... I don't want to make them to feel like they've been changing for some reason, like us..."

Walter kissed and hugged him for comfort. "I'm sure they won't be, my dear." He said In a smoothing voice while hugging him. "I ensure you that we'll take care of them, no matter what..."

"...Well, let's hope we'll be good parents, then." He smiled a bit, hugging back and blushing from Walt's smooth voice. "And let's make sure like we mean It, too."

"Sounds like a good plan." Walt said with a smile as he waved his 2 tails.

Xhan also smiled and kissed him, only hoping after 9 months of challenges, today was going to be a good day.


Author's Note: Some chapters of this book will be short If necessary. Don't worry, though! I'll make sure this story will get better. Until now! See you In the next chapter. <( ̄︶ ̄)>

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