Chapter 1: 2 Kids With The News

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On a morning afternoon In the Detective Agency, the 2 children, Brooklyn and Bennett, had been working on the job with Investigations since they first joined (with their Father, Xhan's permission). Brooklyn had been working with the Investments, while Bennet had been working with the cases he always wanted to join, even though he plays around a lot. The two had been great assistants for Xhan when he first worked there, Including Walt himself when he became the leader of the CEO. Though, Brooklyn had a matter of time when she dreamed of becoming the CEO just like her Dad.

[5:30 P.M, Matawan-Toledo House]

It was a long day at work for Brooklyn and Bennett, but luckily they don't work much throughout the Agency. While they were changing their clothes and putting away their stuff, Xhan wanted to talk to the two about the news that he talked about with Walt.

"Oh, hey Mom." Brooklyn said as her fur was nice and clean after the showered. "What's up?"

"Yeah, what are the news, Mama?" Bennett asked as well, and after he took a bath, his fur wasn't all that, but It does have a nice texter to his hair and other coucounterparts.

"Me and your Father had something to tell you. We would mind If you come to the Living Room when you two are done." Xhan smiled a bit at the two and went back to the room with Walt.

"Hey, Brooklyn... Don't you think that Mama and Papa had some exciting news like last time?" Bennett thought as he tilted his head for answers. "I mean, they had been working and never told us the news whenever they had the chance... Was there something wrong that never made them had the chance to tell us what's going on, or are they just keeping It a surprise?"

"Who knows? Maybe It's something like a reward for completing our jobs and working hard!" Brooklyn said with optimum, her eyes shining like a shooting star filled with excitement. Though, she can only think of the glory and fame she wanted.

"Now, don't get too ahead of yourself, sis." Bennett started to brake through her Imagination of rewards and fame. "I'm not so sure about that. We barely worked at all."

"Kids! Are you done yet?" Walt called to the two.

"Yes, we are! We'll be right there!" The two finished their stuff and went to the rooms overwise to hear the news.


Once Brooklyn and Bennett went to the Living Room to get seated on the couch, Walt wanted to tell them the terrific news, but Xhan on the other hand had a nervous feeling about telling them the big news. He wanted to let Walter tell the news, but Xhan wanted to do It anyway, but all he feels was nervous tingling and regret. The 2 kids, however, was still waiting on the news they wanted to hear. Bennett feels that something to wrong, but It was just his Imagination.

"...Xhan? Xhan, dear? Are you Ok?..." Walt tapped him when Xhan finally shook his head to reality. "Xhan, are you Ok?"

"Y-Yeah... I'm fine." He rubbed his head.

"Hey, Mom? About the news..." Brooklyn broke the conversation when she said.

"O-Oh, yes! The news... You see, me and your Father went to the Doctor when you two started doing the jobs for me, while Papa's old friend of his took the job for him when he was away... And, we were surprised when we thought we were gonna have 2 members Instead of 1..." Xhan gulped as he tried to continue.

"2 members?..." Brooklyn thought.

"Wait..." Bennett froze. "You don't mean..."

"Yes. The Doctor has confirmed..."

"We're having twins!~"

"WALT--!" Xhan shouted at him with teal blushing cheeks.

"TWINS?!" The two said In surprise.

"That's right!" Walt said with excitement. "Mama and I had just found at that 2 babies will be added to the family!"

"...Yes, Indeed." Xhan felt like he wanted to hide, but he gave Walt a low-growl at him for telling the news out loud and too soon. "You owe me a lot for this, Walt..."

"2 members?! Papa, are you sure?" Bennett was In shock and confusion at the same time. Twins? Now that's a word when It's new to him.

"Yes, twins!" Walt said excitedly. "Me and your Mother were going shopping for them, and then going shopping for the baby shower some time In a few months!"

"A few months, huh..." Brooklyn thought. "I wonder what do they look like..."

"But, can't they just be here now?" Bennett said Impatiently, while he was too excited to see his new siblings, he just wanted to know what they look like, too.

"No, not now." Xhan told him. "They need to be developed first after 9 months, and then they'll be born."


"Now, you kids go on to the Clubs. You're going to be late." Xhan packed their stuff and gave It to them.

"Right, the Clubs! Thanks Mom and Dad!"

"Aw, already?" Bennett sighed. "Don't the Clubs start at 6:30 anyways?"

"Yes, but we have 5 minutes until now! Come on, Ben!"

"Alright, alright, I'm coming!"

"Bye, Mom and Dad! We'll see you soon!" Brooklyn waved after she ran to the door and head on her bike.

"See ya, Mama, Papa!" Bennett also head to his skateboard.

"Bye, kids! Be good, you hear?" Walt said when he waved back at the two.

"We will!" The two then went off.

When they left, Xhan suddenly grabbed his ear and growled, especially when Walt yelped In pain.


"You and I are gonna have a little talk later In private..."


Author's Note: Ok, this Is the best I got... Like I said, I'll make sure to do better. See ya In the next chapter. ^^

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2023 ⏰

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