"Welcome home , neighbour "

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"Welcome home" I haven't heard that show in 20 years " 

monotonely said y/n , you scrolled through the page then all at once the memories came flooding back .

"My god- teenhood , I remember " you said wide eyed .

"I guess it would hurt to check the place after all these years , and it's the least I could do " you muttered to yourself


  As you got out of your car , you stood there admiring the building you used to work in 20 years ago , walking in the building you noticed how it was water logged and run down.

"Mm - I better keep my eye out for hazards" you said to yourself,  you were heading for your room but it was blocked.

"Aww shucks" you moaned,  "welp , looks like I gotta go through the neighbourhood " you looked were the neighbourhood was , "lets-a-go" you exclaimed.

Walking through the halls it started to jog some memories,  you remembered 'bring your daughter to work days', how hard it was to design and sew the puppets - but luck for you , you had close friends that could help you with that.

"Speaking of which,  I wonder were are they" you queried,  you shrugged your shoulders  - as it was just a pasting thought.

"There we go - home sweet home " you opened your door and saw it was untouched,  everything was just was if you never left.

"Most strange " you looked down to your desk to see an apple  " someone is living here , I swear " just as you were about to look behind you the door closed.



you shouted , you frantically tried to open the door but to no avail.

"Agh - help , HELP " you screamed,  you took a breath in and out

"I'm just over reacting ..... I hope" you whispers

"Maybe"  a soft monotonous voice spoke

"Wha - WHO'S THERE!!" You yelled scared

the voice chucked " it's me silly "

out came a man the some same as you

"Wally darling ~" he cooded

"Welcome home,  neighbour  - it's been a while , hasn't it" the puppet said as if it was singing .

"Wally !!!!" You exclaimed  , this is definitely NOT normal

"Please don't hurt me" you sweated  , backing away from Wally only for him to fill the empty space .

"Ooo - an apple " the stared at the apple and blinked , jump like that it disappeared

"Wha- HOWW!!" You pointed at the apple then Wally .

Wally tilted his head in confusion,  then chuckled when he realised why you were flabbergasted

"Heheh - that's the way I eat , dear " he explained

You gulped  - " I.. I feel .. light " you collapsed  - luckily Wally caught you

"Silly goose , you sleep on a bed not the floor " he chucked


"It's nice that you dropped by , neighbour ~♡"

The apple of my eye 《 Wally darling x reader - Oneshots 》Where stories live. Discover now