tsudere reader x wally

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Today you were baking with your best friend Poppy  - you've always enjoyed baking since you were young . You were making apple pies for the neighbourhood.

"Oh feathers I forgot the apples! " poppy exclaimed , you looked at her and said " it's OK  - poppy , I'll go to Howdy's and get some" you reassured " is there any else you want " you asked. Poppy looked around the kitchen and opened her beak "yeah , pie tins and brown sugar " she responded "ill give you the money" poppy when to the coat hanger were her purse was hanging .

"Here , and buy yourself something " she smiled weaky,  you said your goodbyes and went on your journey.

On your way you met Barnaby and....Wally..

"Where do fishes go to get their money!" You heard Barnaby said , "I don't know,  Barnaby  - were do they get their money" Wally monotonely said smiling,  "the river bank!" Barnaby full tummy laughed
"Ha ha ha ha , that's a good one Barnaby " Wally chuckled.

"It sound be illegal to make him that cute .." you thought with a sour expression.  " oh , hello neighbour!" Wally said as you came into view,  "Hello...wally" you gritted your teeth.

"Hey ya' kid - what's with the sour expression" Barnaby retorted,  " I'm ... not making a sour expression " you snapped.

"Smile" Wally responded, your face turned beat red - you sighed and opened your mouth "if you'll excuse me..I have an errand I need to do" you sped walked to Howdy's store , fixing yourself before you go into howdy's shop. You saw Frank looking into the window with binoculars,  "good evening, Frank" you smirked.

"Good evening,  y/n" Frank subconsciously responded without looking at you . You took a dozen apples and put them in the paper bags provided. "How's Eddie" you asked as you fixed the bag of apples,  Frank choked on his saliva.  You chuckled,  Frank fixed his tie and looked down then back at you "he's fine" Frank responded , blushing.

Just about as you were about to go in the store Wally came into view giving Frank an idea - "Hey y/n,  how's Wally" Frank darkly smirked, your head slowly turns over to Frank, frowning as a deep red covered your face.

"I heard my name" Wally said , "y/n was saying how they -" you shushed Frank "quite Mr Robinson" you darkly said. Wally looked confused but smiled wide , Frank snorted as he fixed his tie.

You saw Eddie walking out off the post office coming your direction " hey Eddie~" you cooded , Frank's head turned 180° to Eddie.

"Oo-oh , h-hi - Eddie" Frank stuttered,  you smiled and walked into the shop .

"Here - let me " Wally offered "oh..thank you" you commented "no problem,  neighbour"

You walked into the shop with Wally feeling uneasy,  you asked Howdy want you wanted , said your goodbyes and left.

You sped walked to poppy's barn house, "neighbour, there you are" you heard a familiar voice say "you forgot this" Wally smiled .  He gave you the item you forgot,  you blushed in embarrassment  "th-thanks,Wally " you said looking down .

"Neighbour,  are you ok?" Wally asked looking directly at you with his brown eyes , "Yes why" your heart fluttered.  "You've been acting sour around me and I thought " you explained " did I do anything I didn't know off" Wally sweated.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2023 ⏰

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The apple of my eye 《 Wally darling x reader - Oneshots 》Where stories live. Discover now