Chapter 1_New Years

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(3 years later)



"Bex.  Where are you?" I yelled at my phone over the loud music. 

"I'm on my way with Debra.  She was getting held up at work," replied Bex from the other end. 

"Well get here soon.  You're not gonna want to miss this," i shouted back. 

It was 2022.  Nearly 2023.  Sometimes I can't believe that it's been 3 years since the guy I believed was my soulmate ghosted me. 

Not that it mattered anymore like it did back then.  Back then I had been crushed and devastated.  I even went as far as naming my dog after the stupid "nickname" he gave me. 

Now I believe that I'm a new 

The email that had sent been sent that night to lapoc had been answered with the reply I had been so desperate for.

A "your request has been granted.  Welcome to lapoc".

Right now I'm one of the most known and admired singers in lapoc. you could even call me a B-list celebrity. 

  "Bells?" I heard someone call behind me.  I turned around to see Ryan holding two cups of beer.  I grabbed one and started drinking even though I was still "underage".  Half the people at this new years party were too.  Nobody was gonna single me out.  I was just a few months away from being 21.  I was already planning out my whole day of relaxation and fun.


It took bex and Debora an hour to finally arrive at the party.  And after taking a look at the smiles on their faces it  wasn't hard to guess what they had done.

Today also happened to to be Presley, my arch nemesis, Jessica's BFF, and daughter of the owner of Iapoc's birthday.  And of course her dad had to throw he a grand party. 

They invited me, but i knew there had to be ulterior motives.  So i decided to go to a smaller scale new years party.  Not a dumb birthday.

Bex and Debora had obviously "dropped by" their party and played a little trick.  Ugh. No wonder they were 3 hours late.

Even though I was annoyed there was a grin plastered on my face as I walked up to them.  Ryan was my best friend, but it was just that much funner with the whole crew there.

"What did you do?"

They didn't even bother denying it.

"So," started Debora before getting into a fit of laughter.  Bex rolled her eyes, and took it upon herself to finish the story.

"We went over to Presley's birthday and then we decided to invite some termites in.  To enjoy all that expensive caviar," she explained.

"Girl. That's not were it ends," said Debora while recovering.

Bex smilled really wide and said, "The people noticed after Jessica decided to have some of that delicious sushi, but started choking.  When she coughed it out the party was hysterical.  They called the bug exterminator and the party got shut down."

"But not before i could steal some of that yummy sushi.  Even tho Jessica spat all over it while she was choking. 

"Best part is they won't be able to have that fancy firework display they were planning on.  We "accidentally" spilt bowls of fruit punch on them."

I.  Couldn't.  Stop.  Laughing

It will be priceless to see their faces at work.  We ran to find Ryan and tell him the story, but we barely said a word before be we all started to laugh again.  Once we had told him the whole story he was laughing to hard it shocked me that he was still managing to inhale air.

This was a great start to the new year. 


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