Chapter 9_Fight

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Sorry it took so long to finish this chapter. We will try and be faster in the future, but without further ado Chapter 9.


"I'm officially exhausted,"I announced to Deb as i drop into the nearest couch.

"Same," agreed Deb before adding, "Let's get coffee to refresh our brains?"

I nod and begin to stand up. As we get up to leave we meet Bex who asks us where we're going. Once the word coffee left my mouth Bex already pulled Ryan and Lucy up from where they had been peacefully sitting and having a conversation. And we were all heading towards the little cafe that was part of the Iapoc building.

After we had all ordered our drinks and sat down we saw some one else enter the room. It was presly and her minions. Instead of taking their seat they started to walk toward us.

"That's our seat," said their leader, while her minions nodded along. We were all quiet for a few moments. Ryan started to pick up his things, about to get up and go when Debs spoke up, " First come," she paused for an effect, "First serve. I'm pretty sure your rich arses will find another table where all your needs can be taken care of just fine."

"I've never seen you sit here before," Bex sdds as Ryan starts to sit back down.

"Hate to break it to you," Jessica starts, "But Art, Pres' Father, owns this place. He controls your life," she says while pointing at me, "And yours too," she finishes as she points at Debora.

"Wouldn't want your album to get cancelled before it's released. Now would we," states Brit with a mocking tone.

Ryan snorts, "As if."

Presley looks at him with disapproval before saying, "Who are you again?"

"See your friends Britney and Jessica," he answers without missing a beat. "They know who I am well enough." He finishes with a challenge in his eyes.

Both Brit and Jess had mega crushes on him when he first showed his face at Iapoc. Even after they realized that he was my friend they stalked him for a while. I couldn't help but smile at the blush spreading across their faces as Pres looks at them with confusion. But smile is nothing compared to the loud snort that comes from Debs causing her and Bex to start laughing loud enough to turn a few heads from the people sitting around us.

"Watch how you act around me," Presley snaps, "Don't forget your place here you bit-"

"Oh, i know my place," Debi says as the smile on her face is replaced with a serious expression. "I know my place being the one to make an album. An album whose cover design will be made Archer Calmaretiz. Do you realize how petty you are? You stalked Bell's Social Media to find her house, then found the time she would be meeting with Archer so you could try and convince him to work with you.

"Ya. Talk travels fast. Everyone in this building knows that even your rich daddy can't get your the designer you want. Go get a life guys. Stop trying to live ours."

I look at Debs with absolute shock as the trio leaves without a word, embarrassed looks on their faces as they push through the crowd. She's sipping the coffee that has too much sugar, which had been brought to the table just moments before. A triumphant look in her eyes. I give her a big smile and we get on with drinking our various drinks.

I break the silence by saying, "Couldn't have said that better myself."

They laugh and Debs replies, "That's why I write the lyrics."

"It sure is."

I look up startled to see Archer walking towards our table. Ugh. He's already disrupting my home life, now he has to come and bother my work life too. I plaster a smile that isn't entirely fake as i wave to him. Ryan gets up to give him a 'Bro Hug' as if they have know each other for years.

Men never ceases to amaze me. Somebody asks why hes here and I'm relieved it didn't have to be me.

"This is my place of work now too," he replies.

We try to move on with normal conversation, but it's just kind of awkward with Archer there. Eventually we find something to talk about, by then it's time to head back to work. I grab Ryan and Deb before they can escape so we can laugh about the lunch situation as we ascend the stairs. Yes, we take the stairs. Yes, Bex is the one who forces us to. Yes, it is for the environment. Bex calls it our own silent protest. Plus it keeps us in shape.

Bex is giving Archer a tour of the building, so i don't expect to see her for the rest of the week. A part of me feels bad for Archer the other says that he deserves it.

Iapoc has 18 stories. Bex's no elevator rule goes for every body. That's a whole lot of stairs.


Give your opinion on this chapter please. Help us make this book better. Until next time. Fair well.


If a book is well written, I always find it too short.
~Jane Austen



A book a day keeps reality away 




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