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"This story tells of two Merpups who will discover mutual love due to a destructive event. Both will have to help each other to help their city and their citizens, but will the rest of the Merpups agree to see Moby and Coral collaborate? On the other hand, Moby has tried to destroy many times and hates music." By Umberto Saba.

To be continued

|By -TheEmpereor-|

"WHAT? Another ship story?!" Giovanni Pascoli said.

"Yes, but it is not your turn to write it this time." Gabriele D'Annunzio replied.

"This time we need a writer who can put a good character and a bad character together," Dante said starting to think.

"I would have the right name." Affirmed the writer Cesare Pavese.

"Who Pavese? Or should I say Pavesini." Giosuè Carducci said jocking.

"Yeah, very funny," Pavese said frustrated. "However, I propose Saba, Umberto Saba."

"Saba?! Are you crazy? He is a good writer but the love is not his passion." Virgilio said disappointed.

"It can work, but we have to support him in love parts," Manzoni said.

"Yeah, I support your idea," Leopardi said.

"So let's vote!" Boccaccio said.

"We have Six yes and Three no so the idea is passed," Boccaccio said.

"Woah, faster than the Italian Parliament." Giuseppe Verdi said.

"Verdi? What are you doing here?" Manzoni asked.

"I'm here because I need to study the music of Merpups." 

"Are you serious?" D'Annunzio said shocked.

"Yes, and I'll help you with the music part if you want to add it."

"Yeah I like it, we now have a music director," Dante replied.

"Okay, now Pavese, go in search of Umberto Saba and take him here for new orders." D'Annunzio Ordered.

"Yes, I will," Pavese said.

Forbidden Love | Moby x Coral StoryWhere stories live. Discover now