the party pt 1

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Tw: Alcohol, internalized homophobia, mental and physical abuse(implied)

Scott's pov

This party is so lame. I don't know half the people here. Luckily, I came with Lightning and he's good at parties so I should be fine. A fellow soulless ginger came up to us, I think her name was Izzy. "Do you guys wanna play truth or dare?" She asked.

"Sha-yeah we do!" Lightning responded with a smile on his face. His smile is so charming. Wait, no its not, I don't find his smile charming at all!

Lightning grabbed my hand and started running. I can feel my face heating up. Why is my face heating up? Its just hot in here, yeah there's a lot of people. Body heat and stuff.

I snapped back to reality to realize that I'm in a different room. A room dimly lite with blue leds. A few people I recognized from the first season and a few I didn't. I stopped watching after season 1. I sat down on a bean bag right next to Lightning. I was so close to him I could feel him breathing. If it wasn't for the loud party going on around me, I would be able to fall asleep right here, listening to his breathing and heart beat. What am I thinking? That's way to intimate for two guys to being doing that. It's- it's wrong. My heart dropped at that thought. I'm wrong for feeling this way. 

We were about to start when two more people joined at the last second, Trent and Justin. Soon after Izzy yelled about her going first. She challenged Tyler to drink all the punch he could. I don't see how it's much of a challenge, it's just chugging a drink. 

"Be careful mi dulce, don't get hurt!" I heard this tall handsome dude call out. Was that a pet name he called Tyler? I don't know much Spanish, but I think it was. A dude calling another dude a pet name. The thought gave me a weird feeling of hope. Why was I feeling hope? That's stupid. But I can't get it out of my head.

I snapped out of it when the timer hit two minutes. There must have been something in the punch because Tyler was acting funny. Or maybe Tyler was just dumb. Or both. He had asked Justin to do seven minutes in heaven with who ever he liked most in the room, though he slurred just about every word. Heh, light weight. Justin quickly grabbed Trent and shoved him into a near by closet. Two guys doing seven minutes in heaven? What are they even going to do in there? Talk about cars? I was quicky proven wrong by the sound of moans coming from the closet. They can just do that? I looked around the room but nobody seemed to mind what they were doing, in fact they seemed to be cheering them on. Maybe, he could do that too. With Lightning. No! Of course not! At least his pops wouldn't think so. 

Soon, Izzy opened the closet and quickly closed it say they were out of commission and took the round for herself. She asked the kid who was first out in the first season and he said truth. Izzy seemed bored by the answer but asked if he had a crush on anyone. He answered no but he was so nervous I don't think anyone believed that. He asked Duncan truth or dare. That kid must have guts. The kid told Duncan to eat a snickle. I don't know what that is but it didn't sound good. Duncan quickly took a bite after Geoff made him one and almost immediately threw it up. It couldn't be that bad. Before I could watch the rest of it go down, I felt something on my shoulder. It was Lightning, he fell asleep. How he did I have no clue but it almost made sense. Lightning seemed like the type to fall asleep anywhere and everywhere. I could hear his breathing and his heart beat even more clearly now. It's almost like the whole party stopped as I looked up at the sleeping boy. He looked cute when he slept. What are you think? That's so weird and creepy, and he's a man! You can't think about a man like that. What would pops think? I look down in shame and quickly got up, making sure to lay Lightning down on the bean bag chair he was sitting on. I searched for a bathroom and finally found one. I entered and quickly splashed my face with water. I stared at myself in the mirror, why can't you just be normal. These feelings you have, they're not right, sinful. 

"If I ever catch you with a man, I'll have your head" I muttered the words of my father to myself. I was 12 when pops said that after I told him about a boy I fancied at school. Ever since, he's been telling me about how it's a sin and anyone who thinks that way is weird and going to hell. I must be weak for having his lectures still imbued in my mind, word for word.

"God made Adam and Eve. If faggots were moral he would've made more Adams and Eves, you understand boy?" I breathed to myself, the memories of my father flash before my eyes. Sometimes, I sounded just like my old man. Don't get me wrong, I respect and love him, I just wonder sometimes if he might be wrong. What am I saying, he's never been wrong, though I really hope he was this time.

I slashed my face again with cold water and then walked out. I made my way towards the sleeping Lightening and shook him awake. His tired eyes sparkled beautifully in the blue lighting. I blushed but shock it away. Get a hold of yourself!

"Lightning, get up! We're leaving" I stated, hoping he could hear me over the noise.

"Sha-why Scottie?" He asked in tiredness in his voice.

I blushed at the nickname. It was so....stupid but so.....Lightening. I quickly snap out of it and try to pull Lightning up from his spot.

"Nooooo! The sha-lightning wants to sha-cuddle!" He tiredly complained.

I folded with a sigh and laid down with him, he swiftly put his arm over me and I hugged him back. I could hear him breathing and see his chest rising and falling. It started lulling me to sleep, despite the loud party and two bean bags we were laying on. I could feel eyes on my but I didn't care for once and the words of my old man faded into the back of my mind. My eyes slowly drifted closed.

I woke up only a few hours later. It was now 3am and the party had surpisingly died down(though it had started at 6pm so they were all propably passed out drunk) Lightning was still asleep when I woke up. I could still fell him breathing but I was closer to him than when I fell asleep. Wait, I just spent the night sleeping- no cuddling with Lightning! If pops ever found out about this, I'd be dead. I quickly tugged away from Lightning and ran off to the backyard. I'm sinful now, pops will have my head. It's over for me. I was lost in my thoughts, feeling the cold wind hit me as Lightning started talking to me.

"You okay?" He asked.

I was startled. I thought he was still asleep. "yeah, I'm okay Lightning" I know Lightning wasn't the sharpest rock in the gravel especially not in the emotional department, but at least it's something we have in common. 

"Mind if sha-Lightning sits?" He asks. I've never seen him so soft before, this side of him only makes me love him more. No! What are you saying? You can't be in love with him. You've already sinned enough.

"uh yeah go ahead" I say, trying to push away my thoughts.

He sits down next to me on the steps of the porch. We sit there in silence for a while, soaking in each others presences. The wind blew on us and the stars shined brightly. I was used to seeing the stars at night but based on Lightnings face he wasn't. I decided to brake the silence.

"Have you... never seen the stars before?" I ask.

"Sha-no" He breathed, not taking his eyes off of the sky, as if it would go away if he looked away.

I smiled at him. I wonder what else he hadn't seen. I'd like to see those sights with him, if I could. I blush at the thought. We go back to sitting in silence. I didn't realize I was staring at him until he looked at me. He was smiling. I love his smile.

"Scottie, do you wanna sha-know a secret?" Lightning eventually asked, breaking the silence once more.

"sure" I said softly.

"Scottie, I'm in love with you" Lightning finally said after a few moments of silence.

Without thinking, I kissed him. It felt so real, so right. Yet it was wrong. I knew it was wrong. I snapped out of it and pulled away, muttered an apology and started running into the woods. I saw what looked like an abandoned tree house and hid in there. I am sinful. First, cuddling with a man and than kissing the same man?! Pops would have my had for sure now. He didn't live with him anymore, but if he did, he would get a good beating and a good long lecture.

A/N: oh wow I haven't updqted in q wh8ioe whoopies

1.6k words :D

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