He's My Husband

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Hello! It's been a while, lol.
Anyways this one has been in my drafts for a while, so I decided I would finish it today. I have a few more ideas that I'm hoping to write during my break next week, so hopefully the episodes don't diminish all my motivation. Enjoy!

Everything can happen in a second, which the whole team learned first hand today.

They had been called out to a building fire, which had progressed fairly quickly into a two alarm fire. Everyone in the building had been told to evacuate immediately, the fire had progressed to much and the building was unstable.

Hearing the order, everyone started to head outside, reporting they were on their way out. Everyone except Andy and Ben, able to hear a victim calling for help they stayed in looking for the victim despite direct orders from incident command.

"Herrera? Warren? Do you copy you need to get out of the building now, it's on the verge on collapse." Sullivan said, worried about Andy's safety, he hadn't known the team very long, but he knew that Andy is what held that team together and without them, they would be nothing. He also knew that despite her being his ex-wife, he would never stop caring for her and her well-being.

"We can hear a victim, once we find them we will be on our way out." Ben said, knowing that Captain Sullivan wouldn't be happy hearing this, especially with who was beside him in the building right now.

The whole team worked on getting the fire out from the outside, unable to do a lot until Andy and Warren were out.

Robert was paralyzed with the thought of them not making it out in time. "Herrera, Warren get out here now. We can't do anything for the victim, you need to get out before your both injured as well."

"Copy captain." Warren said, through the radio. "Come on Andy, you heard the Sullivan, we need to get out of here."

"No we need to find this victim first, you can leave if you want but I'm not leaving until I find this victim." Andy said, going to check in another room of the apartment.

Warren stayed in that exact spot. Did he leave a member of his team alone and get to safety? Or did he stay and help? He hadn't had the chance to decide, before he heard a sickening crash come from the room Andy had just entered.

"Herrera?" Warren yelled, running over to the door. Able to see a beam that had fallen, and underneath was Andy.

"Firefighter down, I repeat firefighter down." Warren yelled into his radio, running over to Andy, lifting the heavy beam off of her body.

"Warren, what happened?" Sullivan asked over the radio, knowing that it was Andy injured, if Ben was saying it.

"A beam fell onto Herrera, I got it off and am about to head down with her, be ready." Warren said, lifting her up, carrying her down as quickly as possible.

As soon as he got outside, he set her down on the gurney, which Vic and Travis were waiting beside.

"A beam hit her, and she was trapped underneath. She has yet to wake up." Ben said, helping to get all her gear off.

"Did it hit her head?" Travis asked.

"I don't know, I didn't see it fall, but from where it fell from, if it didn't hit her head it was close." Ben explained.

After evaluating Andy, Robert ordered Vic and Travis to take Andy to the hospital and they would all be there soon.

"Have you got any updates on her yet?" Robert asked as the rest of the team walked into the waiting room.

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