Second sight

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I'm going to probably take long with writing the chapters since I'm really lazy so sry for slow updates
Practice is over so now y/n and her brothers leave the ice rink and head over to their car.
"I'm hungry" y/n says
"Okay well what do you want us to do about it" yeonjun says
"Do you want us to magically make food appear" taehyun says
"Yeah" y/n says
"Well too bad bc we can't do that" taehyun says
"Can't we get McDonald's please" y/n says
"No we have food at home" yeonjun says
"Man you guys suck" y/n says

Time skip they get home
Y/n goes to the kitchen and starts making food
"Can you guys help me with cooking please" y/n says
"No you can do it yourself" yeonjun says
"Well f*ck you I didn't want your guys help anyway" y/n says
"You literally asked us for help" taehyun says
" yea we'll not anymore" y/n says
"Dinner is ready" y/n says
They sit down to eat and soon hear the door bell ring
"I'll go get it" yeonjun says
He gets up and goes to open the door. He opens the door and sees huening Kai
" hi is this where y/n lives?" Kai asked
"Yes but why are you here" yeonjun said
"Oh well y/n left her bag at the ice rink" Kai said
"Well I'll give it to her now you can leave" yeonjun says and almost closes the door when y/n came and stopped him
"Hi Kai sorry about him he's just a little rude when he's eating" y/n says
"Wanna come in to eat with us" y/n asked
"Are you sure your brothers will be okay with it?"  Kai asked
"Oh I'm sure they won't mind come in" y/n says
Time skip they finish eating
"So what do you want to do now kai" y/n says
"I don't really care what we do" kai says
"We could go to my room and play video games" y/n says
"Okay sure" kai says
"I'll come with!" Taehyun says
"No you won't you'll stay out of my room until kai leaves" y/n says
"Okay fine but dont get to close to each other" taehyun says
Y/n and huening kai go upstairs to her room and start playing video games
"So how did you find my house?" Y/n asked
" i checked the tag on your bag and it said to it address" Kai said
"Oh i thought you were a stalker for a minute" y/n says while laughing
"No I promise I'm not a stalker I'm not that type of person" Kai says while chuckling
"Well I should probably get going now since it's late it was nice playing video games with you and thanks for letting me eat dinner with you guys" Kai says
Y/n and huening Kai go downstairs and head to the front door while talking
"So did you guys have fun playing?" Yeonjun asked
" yea it was fun especially since you guys weren't there" y/n says
"You guys didn't do anything weird in your room right?" Taehyun says
"Taehyun please me and him were just playing and we also just met" y/n says while sounding annoyed
"Well I guess I'll see you tomorrow at practice kai bye" y/n says
"Bye y/n and bye taehyun and yeonjun" kai says while leaving
Y/n and her brothers soon get ready to sleep and head to their rooms
"Goodnight y/n" taehyun and yeonjun say
"Goodnight guys" y/n says
"Remember we love you" yeonjun says
" I know I know I love you guys too" y/n says sarcastically
Soon all the lights turn off and everyone goes to sleep

 He opens the door and sees huening Kai " hi is this where y/n lives?" Kai asked "Yes but why are you here" yeonjun said "Oh well y/n left her bag at the ice rink" Kai said "Well I'll give it to her now you can leave" yeonjun says and almost close...

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I hope you guys enjoyed it 💗

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