Third sight

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Morning soon comes and taehyun and yeonjun are awake. They start getting ready and pack their bags to go to practice at the ice rink. Taehyun goes downstairs to the kitchen and starts making breakfast, yeonjun goes to y/n's room to wake her up from her deep slumber. "Y/n it's time to wake up get ready and pack your things we're about to leave to go practice" says yeonjun while shaking y/n
"Ughh I don't wanna go practice or get up I just wanna sleep" says y/n looking annoyed
"Well you have to we need to practice for our up coming show and besides you said you were going to hang out with that kai guy after school" says yeonjun while rolling his eyes
"Oh right I forgot about that thanks for reminding me now I have an excuse to look extra good today" says y/n with a smile
"Okay well I'll meet you downstairs taehyun is making breakfast right now so hurry up"
Says yeonjun

Y/n starts getting ready and packs her bag she made sure to look good and to bring perfume and make up so that she won't look bad when she hangs out with kai after practice. She goes downstairs after she's done getting ready.
"Okay I'm done ooo~ you made waffles my favorite" says y/n with a smile on her face while looking at taehyun
"Don't think I made them for you I made them because they were the first thing I saw" says taehyun
"Calm down I haven't even said anything it's too early for you to already be arguing" says y/n
They all finish eating and head to the car

"I call sitting in the front!" Says y/n
"Too late I'm already sitting here" says taehyun with a grin
"Why do I always have to sit in the back" y/n whines
"Because your the youngest and because you don't deserve to sit in the front" taehyun says
They drive to the skating rink and arrived quickly they head inside and put their bags in their lockers.
"Hey y/n thanks for inviting me to eat dinner with you guys yesterday I didn't know you guys lived together?" Says Kai
"Oh yeah taehyun and  yeonjun are my brothers my parents live in America because of their jobs but we live here in Korea" y/n says
"Oh that explains I thought taehyun and yeonjun were your friends and you guys lived together" says Kai
"No we're siblings so that means that y/n is off limits and can't have a boyfriend" says taehyun
"Don't worry I won't steal your princess from you guys I just wanna be friends" says Kai but inside he knew that he did want y/n but he obviously wasn't going to say that in front of her brothers.
"So you still up for that date after practice I mean you still wanna hang out after practice?" Says Kai
"Yeah I almost forgot this morning but thankfully I remembered" says y/n
"Okay can we get to practicing now" says yeonjun

Y/n starts putting on her ice skates and begins to warm up same thing with her brothers and Kai
"Yeonjun do you think that one day if I practice hard enough and win a few more contests do you think I'll be able to become famous and well known by the public maybe I'll be able to meet my idols and be just as good as them" says y/n
"Y/'ll be able to do that one day. WHEN PIGS FLY that's when you'll be able to do all that" says yeonjun while laughing
"Okay but on a serious note I kinda do believe you can do that but I'll still be better than you" says yeonjun with a smile.
"I'm tired already" says y/n
"Me too but we still have to practice or else we'll get in trouble" says taehyun. They finish practicing and start getting their bags and take off their skates.
"So you ready to go y/n?" Says Kai
"Oh yeah let me just go to the bathroom real quick" says y/n
"Okay hurry" says Kai
Y/n goes to the bathroom and starts getting ready quickly.
"Okay I'm done!" Says y/n
"Let's go then" says Kai as they get to his car
Kai goes to y/n's side of the car and opens her door
"Ladies first!" Says Kai
"Wow such a gentleman" says y/n while smiling

Kai gets in the car and starts driving to the location
"So where are we going" says y/n excitedly
"It's a surprise" says Kai while smiling
They arrive at the destination and see that it's a cafe with a library connected to it
"Wow this is amazing!" Says y/n
"I'm glad that you like it" says Kai.

FINALLY UPDATED and I wrote a lot 😝 I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter I was writing this whole chapter while in school so that's why I took long

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FINALLY UPDATED and I wrote a lot 😝 I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter I was writing this whole chapter while in school so that's why I took long.
Anyway here's a beomgyu picture!

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