Chapter 5

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Movies and A Mall Day

TW: F-slur, Panic Attack, and Toxic Exs (Viewer Discretion Advised)

Lufi POV:

I walk up to the surprisingly lovely apartment building. Don't get me wrong, I know that Deimos is financially stable, I just wasn't expecting a 20-year-old running a small business would be able to afford a place like this. I walk in and go to the floor and room Deimos had written on my hand earlier that day. I knock and I hear footsteps rush up to the door. He slams the door open and jumps into my arms.

"Hey, Hey, Hey," I say softly, "Is everything okay?" I look down at him. He smiles up at me.

"I'm fine, just missed you," He speaks just above a whisper. I nod slowly and he invites me inside. It's a pretty nice place, with nice furniture, and quite a few plants. Wait. DO THOSE PLANTS HAVE NAME TAGS!?

"So, what movies do you have?" I bend down and open the cabinet labeled movies. I look over the options. I picked up one of the fruitiest movies of all time: The Outsiders. "We are watching this. No questions asked," I toss Deimos the DVD and he rolls his eyes as he leans down to put it in the DVD player connected to his TV.

"Lufi, can you grab the bowl of popcorn in the kitchen?" He gestures over his shoulder. I walk over to the counter, quickly grab the bowl, and set it down on the coffee table in the living room. I sit on the couch as Deimos starts turning up the movie and sitting next to me. I pull a blanket over the two of us and put my arm around Deimos's shoulders. He snuggles into me as if it was second nature for him. I would be lying if I said I didn't blush.

I could feel a wet spot forming on my shirt as we both cried over Dally. I held him closer. "HE WAS 17!!!" I yell a bit. Deimos laughs a little.

"You say that as if they didn't survive on bologna and bread earlier in the movie!" He looks up at me gesturing toward the TV. I laugh.

"Valid point. Valid point," I chuckle. By the time we finish the movie, we had 12 missed calls from Marissa EACH! "NOT IT!" I yell.

"God damn it!" He reluctantly calls Marissa back on speakerphone. It rings a few times then she answers.

"What the fuck do you want!? Serena and I were in the shower,"

"Yeah, well Lufi and I were watching a movie when you called us 24 TIMES IN TOTAL!" I try to keep in a laugh.

"Well! Have you two gotten the invitation yet?" She yells into the phone, I hear Serena in the background laughing her ass off. Deimos looks at me with a raised eyebrow, and I shrug. How am I supposed to know what she's talking about when he doesn't even know?

"What invitation?" I ask as Deimos shoves his phone into my hands and checks his door.

"Um... This one," Deimos holds up a fancy-looking invitation.

"Ok, what the fuck is that? That shit looks too high-class for me," I say snatching the invitation. "Masquerade Ball? Ok, why the fuck is this addressed to both of us?"

"Well, It's for the school so..."

"SERENA!" Deimos yells.

"What!? I knew y'all would be together. It was sent to both of you. Also, Deimos do you mind selling some flowers?" I can see Serena's puppy dog eyes from here.

"Ugh. Fine," Deimos rolls his eyes. "Just know I'll only run it for the first two hours."

"K! LOVE YOU! BAIII!" Marissa yells then hangs up.

"Well, I guess next week's movie night is canceled," Deimos sighs.

"Well, then I guess we'll have to watch extra tonight!" I grab his wrist gently and bring him over to the couch. We start the next movie and chit-chat as it's going.

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