𝓐𝓶𝓵 𝓔𝓹𝓲𝓵𝓸𝓾𝓰𝓮 (🔞 ver)

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This is the not-so-soft epilogue. This has been posted as  the full epilogue, the spicy one that is for the people who wanted to read this version. I hope this was worth waiting for, besides the ending, but thank you for reading this main-story.

Opening the door, Felix got met with a very, very, heavily disheveled blonde; with his hair ruffed up, eyes hazily lidded, and his clothes somewhat dirty on his frame—but also a sharp-looking man, Min-ho. He seemed to be in the same predicament as Hyun-Jin, yet in a better sense as he was supporting Hyun-Jin's ferret-like body leaning on him without fail. From the short distance between them, Felix noticed the two smelt like alcohol, barbeque smoke, and whatnot—producing a scent that was biting and strong, making his nose wrinkle with disgust. Before he could open his mouth and ask how and why this happened, Min-ho was thrusting Hyun-Jin into his arms, letting out an exhausted huff in the process. Almost as if he ran a marathon, really.)

"Jinnie is drunk," He spoke, rolling his shoulders and his body twisting around to rid himself of any cramps or aches he got from carrying Hyun-Jin. "Binnie kept daring him to drink so he eventually gave in, and before long he started whining that his head hurt and about wanting to go back so I took him. Take care and have fun, the rest of us will be home a little bit later, we're gonna go to a karaoke bar."

That was it. Then the door was shut—and then Felix was stuck there with the blonde in his arms, who squirmed and wriggled happily upon noticing him; his angel from heaven. "Yong-bok." He breathed out, nuzzling into Felix's neck. His hands made their way around Felix's waist—and touchy he was, especially when he made the attempt of trying to feel Felix's ass, but instead, all he got was a handful of a long object in his way. "What's this?" He murmured, craning his head over Felix's shoulder to get a glance at whatever it is he grabbed, and to his surprise—-it was a tail.

Hyun-Jin furrowed his eyebrows upon seeing, looking up at Felix's slightly-flushed face, and then higher. "Are you—oh." He paused, catching sight of the eared hoodie pulled onto Felix's head. His lips parted in awe. "Are you a cow, Angel?" He asked reverently, the tips of his fingers brushing against the velvety fur of them. That seemed like the right assumption since whatever Felix had on—or was—displayed fuzzy patches of black spots, and a pink stomach that looked awfully similar to a cow. He looked so enthralled by Felix's appearance that the other couldn't help but laugh, and he moved away from the hug slightly to grab the blonde's hand.

"I might be," He answered, teasing him slightly in his tipsy state. He's sure Hyun-Jin didn't believe it, but with the way, he smiled widely and his eyes crinkled into crescents, looking delighted beyond comparison—he'd say he did—even more so with his next response. "I think you are one," Hyun-Jin agreed earnestly, leaning forward to place a kiss on Felix's forehead. "My pretty cow," He added, and then petted the top of Felix's head as if he was an animal, so gentle and careful with how he brushed over the ears. (Even if the fabric of them is thin, and even if it's made from stuffing.)

It was a strange action to say the least, and Felix couldn't tell if he was doing it as a joke like him or not. Nonetheless, it was endearing, so he brushed it off and led the blonde down the dorm hallway to his room, hand in hand. Once inside he lets go, excusing himself to begin digging through his dresser for Advil or some medicine of the sort that can help with hangovers and headaches. He always has some on hand as this isn't the first time Hyun-Jin's been drunk in his care, and also because he gets headaches himself frequently after practicing their choreography repeatedly. He always puts everything he has into their performances, exerting himself beyond what he probably should, but it's worth it when he watches the fan cams back and sees the explosive energy conveyed in his choreography.

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