Chapter 13

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Finally, it seems, Greasers actually have a chance - at least my gang seems to. Once Soda turned nineteen, we convinced - or tried to convince - Darry that he was capable enough to look after me by himself, and I was already sixteen, so that helped our argument that Darry should pursue his dream, go to college, and that we would be fine. Two-bit and Steve got in on it, and somehow we all got Darry to apply to a couple colleges. The deal was if he got accepted, he would quit his job and go, if he didn't get accepted to any, well we would be in a lot of trouble. Unsurprisingly, he got accepted into all but one, Harvard, which we applied to as a joke. He decided to go to a community college, since it was the least expensive, and because he got a scholarship there, it was even less expensive. Darry quit his job like he promised, packed up, and left. Of course it didn't happen exactly like that, but that's the short story. We're all happy that he's happy, but I know that we all miss him. I think Darry's leaving hit Soda the hardest though; the first week alone was hectic, and Soda was going crazy trying to be my new 'dad', so we ended up having chocolate cake for breakfast everyday that week, but I never complained.
Soda ended up getting back in contact with Sandy, so they've been writing to each other for over a year now, and Soda's set on moving to Florida with her once I hit eighteen. Until then, I assume he'll be the same, happy-go-lucky Sodapop. Steve got a big break too. Greasers and Socs formed some kind of pact, and we've been real cordial with each other lately, so business has been going through the roof at the station since Socs aren't trying to avoid Greasers at all costs anymore. Well, the owner of the station seemed to think Steve and Soda had something to do with the good business, or he's just real partial to them, because now Steve and Soda co-own the station. And let me tell you, they are euphoric [ that word was in a book I read a couple weeks ago.] Steve also got a girl, Erika, and she's not even a Greaser, she's one of the Socs that started coming to the station, but she's real nice to me - even nicer than Steve. She's smokin' too, but don't tell Steve I said that - he might think I'm trying to steal his girl.
Two-bit kind of struck gold, no pun intended. He likes doing things against the law, so instead of going in the right way, Two-bit snuck into a casino. I guess he's really lucky, because he won a lot of money and didn't even get caught. Now he doesn't have to steal for a while, cause he can just buy stuff. I wouldn't be surprised if he went on stealing stuff though. The whole gang has gotten a piece of Two-bit's luck, and we've been eating out a lot lately. Speaking of the whole gang, we have two new members. Grayson Williams, who is sixteen, pretty tall, with green eyes and brown hair. Then there's Jackson Smith, he's a bit shorter than Grayson, but he's built bigger, with more muscle. Jackson is fifteen, with dirty blonde hair and brown eyes. I like them, and they kind of remind me of Johnny and I, before everything happened at least. The only thing that isn't as likable about them is the fact that they seem to believe they are Johnny and Dally's replacements, and that they are better than them in some way. This just makes me so angry, and I almost punched Grayson in the jaw the other day because he was acting like that. We're supposed to stick together though, so I try to control my temper. We took them in before Darry left, and they've been hanging around Two-bit a lot; they practically idolize him.
Anyways, now to me. Darry took me to the doctor and we found out what was wrong with me. Firstly, I got shell shock from Johnny and Dally dying and just everything with Bob and running away. I've had a counselor ever since then, especially because I started having a lot more of those nightmares that I can't remember. We also figured out why I kept bumping into stuff and forgetting things. Apparently, when I was kicked in the head by that one Soc, it messed up my brain real bad and I had a big concussion. I've gotten better since then though. Other than that, I'm just happy everything worked out for us, and that I can go see a movie without getting jumped ... by Socs at least. So now, I'm a junior in highschool, and I'm actually doing really well, my grades got a lot better once I got a counselor. I'm also still on the track team, and I'm really happy about that because running just helps me to clear my mind.  I've got friends too, a lot of Soc friends, but there's one girl - who everyone believes is lower than even the dirtiest Greaser - that I'd like to be friends with. A lot more than friends actually. Her name is Esther Wright and the reason she is so despised at our school is because she's black - but boy is she beautiful. I have no idea why everyone hates her just because her skin is brown. They hate her friends too, the other black kids at our school. I've tried to go up and talk to them, but half of the time I chicken out, or they walk - almost run actually - the other way. Tomorrow I've decided that I won't chicken out, and that if they run, I'll call them back. It's not a very good plan, but it's still a plan.

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