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An pov
Jungkook nod his head in response ,
Jimin: I heard that Kai is planning something ??
Jungkook: Don't know , But he is planning something about us, and I had said to Tae hyung that he'll double the all guards in our weapons and in Father house
We can't just Sit here like nothing is happening right,
Jimin: umm yeah you are right, we're need to do something about that boii, and btw do you have any plans tomorrow ??
Jungkook think for a second and shook his head
Jungkook: I don't have any .. wait
Oh yeah, actually Tae hyung tell me that tomorrow I've meeting with Kang corporation
Jimin nod his head
Jimin: Okey then, Now sleep . I gotta go now~ and dream about that cafe girl *saying that he wink at younger one and leave from there
Jungkook shook his head in his hyung childish
Jungkook pov
I don't know why but , my mind is full with that girl, even I don't know about her and I just meet her today, maybe it's just attraction
Jungkook you know what! Just don't think about anything besides you already have a girlfriend so , it's better to keep your distance from other sluts
*Suddenly his phone rang
He look at the screen who just call him in this hour, and find that his baby,
Jungkook: Hello sweetheart!
Soft tone ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ (A/n: why for her only)
Lisa: Oh hi, baby what are you doing?
Jungkook: I was just going to sleep , what happen? Do you need anything ?
Lisa: Yes, You!
Making flirty tone , Jungkook just laugh at her statement
Jungkook: Really, but you have to wait for this 👀
Lisa: -_-
Jungkook: what happen??
Lisa: you know what I actually mean!
Then wth you're talking the stupid things
Jungkook: what stupid ,. I just tell the truth and btw what are you talking I didn't get that
Lisa: *gasp loudly
Omgg!!! Jungkook you just forget that , how can you!!!!!
Jungkook cover his ear hearing her screaming
Jungkook: wth, why are you screaming your lungs out ,
Lisa: You!!!... Leave it, you don't remember???
Jungkook got irritated by this
Jungkook: Tell me quickly what is this?
Lisa: You said you will come tomorrow to my house? You are coming right??
After hearing this Jungkook gasp loudly,,.... His eye widened
Jungkook: Hehe..I know right, I remember it how can I forget, I was just kidding you know.. hehe
Nervous laugh
Lisa: okay okay, but come in time
Jungkook: yup.. I will
Lisa: okay good night baby...
Jungkook: good night Sweetheart 🥲
(A/n: You guys know what , I seriously hate cheesy things and wish you could see my facial expressions while writing it, I bet you'll laugh lmao! 🙂)

Next morning
Yn wake-up having a bad headache, last night she sleep while crying,
She went to do house chores after finishing her morning routine
Yn pov
Ahhh... my head is paining so much, I don't think I can go for work today, I think I need to call unnie and inform her
She sign and call Jennie
Yn: Hello unnie~
Jennie: hello cupcake' how are you??
Yn: I'm all good, What about you?
Jennie: I'm fine too baby' you are coming today right
Yn: No unnie, I can't!
Jennie: Why?? What happen?? Are you okay??
Worried tone*
Yn laugh a little bit hearing this and she suddenly tear up , because there's was no one when her Aunty beating her mercilessly , she was continuously begging her but no one there was no one for her, tears were flowing through her eye , she quickly wipe it and in shaky voice she said...
Yn: I'm...fine..unnie , haha
Jennie is here hela worried for her, she know what happen with her but still she didn't know what is the particular thing happen... She want to go to her but she can't
Jennie: Are you sure , but your voice?? Is everything okay YN!!!
She sternly asked making Yn flinch
Yn know when Jennie gone angry she is very scary so.. she didn't want to make her worried for her no reason
Yn: Yes,! Unnie I'm totally fine and I can't go today just because I've some work in home so.. you know!
Jennie know she is just lying so she didn't asked her any further questions.
Jennie: okay then~ Take care and if something happen just call me okay!
Yn: Okey dokey hehe
Jennie laugh hearing her cute word
Jennie: awe my cutie cupcake~ okay take care bye~ I gotta go now ,
Yn:: yup , you go~ see ya!
Sorry Unnie for lying to you , I know you'll be worried for no reason so, I don't want to give you any stress, you are doing too much for me, I just can't be burden to you,

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