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An pov
Yn heared her Uncle and aunty conversation, after hearing all things she run towards her room and began to cry ,
She don't know why her life is like this, she want to live for her but for sometime she didn't want to live anymore

How much she used to be happy when her parents was with her, they cherish her like no one do but all scattered in one night her world down upside,

When she was used to wear New clothes always now she didn't get any , when she used to eat whatever she want but not now, all things is happening now it is exactly opposite to her previous one but she can't do anything

She is too much weak for stand against her anuty or uncle, Only she can hope that maybe, someone will make her feel happy again , and she can know again what is love called

Thinking this she started to sobbing hardly, each passing second her breath getting abnormal and she breath heavily , she tried to not cry but she failed lastly, Knowing she can't stop those tears so she let them fall ...

In next day
Yn uncle got a call from unknown number , he pick up the call and ...

Yn/u: Hello???
*Confused face

??: Hello Mr.Lee I heard that you are selling your daughter

Yn uncle got scared after hearing this voice, he is too familiar to this voice..

Yn/U: Yes.. Mr.kim

Song Yoon: So... I want to buy that girl.. my man is coming to your house and be prepared with that girl

Yn uncle didn't utter anything , just stand there dumbfounded

Song Yoon: speak!
*Cold voice

Yn uncle glup before saying..
Yn/u: yes, I.. will Mr.kim

Song Yoon cut the call, meanwhile Yn uncle breath heavily which he was holding long time ago

Song Yoon pov
Finally I found her, don't worry father I'm gonna protect her from that Bastard *smirk

Go and take her with you and if she did anything just make her unconscious , it will be easy for you

Man: Yes boss...

See father you are at god place and I'm here struggling for your fucking promise... If you hadn't promise your friend I should haven't done that

I don't like to buy girls but I don't have choice because before you left , you said to take care of her and after coming back from US when I search for her, I found that her so called uncle selling her in a club so I had to buy her sorry for that...

While he was busy in his thoughts a call interput him . ..
He look at the caller ID and a smile form in his lips..

Song Yoon: hello buddy!!!

??: WTH... You are here from a week still you didn't thought to make a call to your friend , tch which type of friend you are! *Scoff

Song Yoon: Hey! Clam down Jeon Jungkook.. First of all I was busy in something else, and I thought to give you a surprise visit

Jungkook: Huh! *Scoff
Surprise visit, Is this your surprise visit?? You know what go to hell..

Song Yoon: I know one day I'll go but I'll take you with me too 🥲

Jungkook: I'm not coming with you
*Rolled his eyes

Song Yoon: okay okay, now stop and let's meet tomorrow

Jungkook think for a second and said..

Jungkook: okay, come to xxxx club

Song Yoon got surprised hearing club name from Jungkook mouth, Jungkook is not a club type person , so what happen now

Song Yoon: bro! Are you okay

Jungkook: No I'm dead you stupid ass!!

Song Yoon: Ya! Don't call me that , I asked you because whenever we asked you go to clubs with us in university days you always refused what happen now ???

Jungkook: just do as I said.. -_-

Song Yoon: okay okay btw time??

Jungkook: 8:00Pm

After this they both talk a lot of things then song Yoon men come so song Yoon cut his call and look at him..

Song Yoon: Did you take her with you ??

Man: Yes, boss.. here is she
He point towards where Yn is sleeping unconsciously

Song Yoon signal his man to leave and went towards her ,
He bent down to her level and scan her face , he is memoried by her beauty... She had a pout oh her lips he find it cute

Song Yoon: cute.. mumble to himself..
I don't know why they torture this beautiful angle like her... They'll gonna face the concequence *he said in sacry voice*

Jimin pov
I find out that Lisa is Mr.lee daughter and she is always like a bitch, ha! I know that before but what I find then make my blood boild in anger how dare she!!!!!

I'm gonna make her regret in her decision, I found that Witch Lisa whatever she is cheating on my brother... And waisting his money and she is doing this for someone, this someone is who I didn't find it yet but soon be I'll get that *he smirked in victory

I know something is fishy with her, so I need to tell this others too

But something make me confused my man said that Mr.lee daughter is Lisa then they find that there's another girl

Who she is?? What relationship she have with them??

{Wait lemme tell you in details maybe y'all confused by sudden entry of song Yoon, so His father was Yn mother close friend and when Yn parents got into accident he was there for Yn and Yn mother asked him a promise that he'll take care of her daughter but after Yn parents died Yn uncle take Yn to him because property and after Yn sign on the property paper , they started to abuse her , about Song Yoon father after one year of Yn parents death his father also died in a unknown desease , but before His father died , His father make him a promise that he'll gonna find Yn and take care of her and he agreed with his father having no choice }

Here end the doubts so..
If you have any other doubt comments me

Okay enjoy 🌷

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