Mattress (Imma take a nap)

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Your POV:

So we're all in the choir room expect Rachel and Mr. Schue "Where's Rachel?" Kurt asks "She's not here yet." Finn says and he steals one of my sour patch kids and I look at him and he gives me that goofy smile of his and I shake my head "Perfect. Glee club stands on a delicate precipice. We have all felt the cold humiliation of a slushee in the face. But as of right now, our relative anonymity as a club shields us from more severe persecution. Swirlies, patriotic wedgies." Kurt says "Whats, a patriotic wedge?" Mercedes asks and Finn and I look at each other "It's when they visit you up the flagpole by your undies." Finn says and i chuckle a little " Strangely, it did make me feel more American." Artie says and Finn and I look at each other "I-okay then." I whisper to him and he nods his heads " Based on my investigation, I am of the opinion that a yearbook photo would only fuel the flames of anti-Glee Club terror. I've done a little library research." Kurt says and opens one of the yearbooks and turns the book around and shows us the photo "Peter Geller, glee club second tenor, 1998. He can be seen here with both a drawn-on Hitler mustache and a rice paddy hat. Shortly after the yearbook came out, Mr. Geller had a nervous breakdown. He's now the homeless man
who sleeps in front of the public library." he says "Patches?" Quinn asks him "Patches." Kurt says "Patches? Oh him!" I say and they nod their heads " He barks at my mom." Brittany says and I look at Santana then back at Kurt " Exhibit B. Tawny Peterson. Glee Club class of 2000. Seen here in her photo with a cartoon knife stuck in her head in a macabre tableau that in four years would prove eerily prescient. I think I speak for all of us when I say that not having to pose for a yearbook photo might be a blessing in disguise. I suggest not fighting Figgins' ruling." he says then Mr. Schue walks in "Oh, hey, guys. Ah, looking at old Thunderclaps?" he asks us "It's really unsettling." Artie says and i nod my head " And totally unfair. Hey, can I borrow one of this?" Mr. Schue says and grabs the year book from Kurt "You know what? This year's Thunderclap is gonna have a Glee Club photo with every one of your smiling faces. You have my word on it." he says "Excuse me what?" I ask and he walks away "Wait ago for jinxing us Kurt." I say and everyone looks at me and then we all leave the room and Santana, Brittany and Quinn walk with me "So what are you wearing for School picture?" Santana asks me "I don't know." I say "Wanna go to the library and vandalize the yearbooks?" Brittany asks and i look at her then Santana and Brittany start running to the library while Quinn and I are right behind them "Hey." she says "Hi." I say "Are you doing okay?" she asks me "Yeah, why?" I ask "I don't know it's just last week you didn't see like yourself." she says "Oh I was just tired. I stayed up late studying for an AP test and finishing up a project for science." I say "Oh, okay. Maybe next time study earlier." she says and we both laugh "Ill try." I say as we got into the library and go sit with Santana and Brittany and they start drawing on Rachel which was kinda funny but Quinn seemed out of it, then later on it was just me and her at a table and i was listening to music and finishing up some math homework while she was looking at the year book when she was a cheerio then she looks up at me and I smiled at her and she returns with a half smile then looks back at the yearbook then flips it to another page "Oh no. Not my soccer photo." I thought to myself "You look good here." she says and i feel my cheeks heat up "Thanks." I say and clear my throat and she chuckles "So am I gonna get a picture from this years soccer season or what?" she asks me and I didn't know if she was joking or not "If you want um yeah." I say quickly and she smiles "I would love one." she says and smiles and i close my notebook "She's in love with me! Okay y/n/n don't get ahead of yourself." I thought to myself and i grab my stuff "I gotta go. I'll see you later." I say and get up and leave quickly before she can say anything and as I was leaving I bump into Kurt "I'm sorry." we say at the same time "Hey you okay?" he asks me "Yeah, im great." I say and i walk away "Is it hot in here or is just me?" I thought to myself as I walk to the bathroom. The next day at school we're all in the choir room hanging out then Mr. Schue walked in "Hey guys! Great news. Glee club gets a photo in the Thunderclap." he says and we all groan "Yep. It's gonna show everyone at the school that glee club is on its way up. When we win regionals, those claps are going to be collector's items. I mean, all of your classmates are going to begging for your autographs." he says "Or begging for something else." Santana whispers to me and i smirk at her "But I had to compromise to do it. Um, we only get a quarter page in back. Which means we have to pick two team captains to appear in the photo. So, tomorrow we're gonna put it to a vote. Exciting, huh? All right!" he says then he walks away from us and i look at Quinn and her and Finn are talking then I look at Santana and Brittany and start to talk to them.

A Glee Love Story (Quinn Fabray/ Reader) Where stories live. Discover now