Original Songs ( Why? Just why?)

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Rachel POV

I worked on a new song for regionals and I thought I would sing it to Finn. So at school him and I walked to the choir room together, " Okay, so I really took all of your notes from "My Headband" to heart and I really tapped into my pain for this second song." I say " Yeah." Finn says " So come and sit down." I say and he sits down and i give him a box of tissue " These are for you, just in case. It's pretty emotional. Don't be afraid if you need to - . Hit it." I say and Brad starts playing the piano.

You've got just one egg

You're not going to make an omelet

Flying just one way

You're not going to make jet set

Sister, brothers, wherefore art thou?

No need for bunk beds

In my bedroom now

Oh, damn you, dads

Why did you settle for only me?

I'm an only child

More than enough for them

But not enough for me

Only child

Only child

Only child

The only Berry

On my family


" It's called 'only child'." I say " Yeah, i got that. Uh, it's better than " My Headband." That's for sure." Finn says " Yeah." I say " But it's - it still feels like you're just playing scared. You're only dealing with the easy pain. You gotta get to the hard stuff. That's what's relatable to everybody." he says " I'm perfectly capable of accessing my pain. I cry every time I sing a solo." I say " Exactly. When you sing, I can feel it. I guess you just gotta go inside yourself to wherever the singing comes from and write from there." he days " Have you even ever tried to write a song?" I ask him then I sit down next to him and we start talking.

Quinn POV

I watch Finn and Rachel talk from outside of the choir room as she sits down next to him. Sometimes I worry about Finn. I mean how damaged does a guy have to be to be into someone as annoying as Rachel? Still, he is a good guy, and I do really like him. He's my first love, and first loves are forever. And another thing; without him, im never gonna get one of these. And I walk to my closet and open it and look at my tiaras. I know what you're thinking. " Prom queen? You're smart and super pretty and relatively sane for a girl. Does being prom queen really matter to you?" Well, it does. Prom queens live, in average, five years longer than regular people. It's probably because they smile a lot and smiling has been proven to ward off diseases. But I can't do it without Finn. He's a shoo-in for prom king. And after winging the big game, he'll help me land crucial swing votes. Amazingly, the only person standing in my way is her and her damn talent. If I'm gonna guarantee that he doesn't stray with her I'm going to have to play it right. They say keep your friends close but your enemies closer. Well, Rachel Berry you've just got yourself a new best friend.

We were all in the choir room everyone sitting down and i look at Y/n/n who was sitting right in front of me and she turns around and I smile at her and she gives me a weak smile then turns around " Guys I've got some bad news. You know how we decided on "Sing" by My Chemical Romance regionals? Well i hold in my hand I have cease and desist letter from the band. We can't do it." Mr. Schue says " It was the perfect anthem." Puck says " How much you wanna bet Coach Sylvester has something to do with this?" Mercedes asks " One step ahead of you." Mr. Schue says " So what are we gonna do now?" Mercedes asks " I think we should write original songs for regionals." Rachel says " All those in favor of voting Rachel down a second time?" Santana asks and everyone raises their hand expect me " No, I think Rachel is right. This team works best when we push ourselves and do something a little different." I say " That is true, but if all the other teams are doing amazing songs were not gonna be so good." Mercedes says " You're right. We're not gonna be as good. We're gonna be better. We won't be using other people's words or music. It will be our own. Our own heart, souls, not just our voices. We have a really talented songwriter in our midst. Rachel, I was thinking maybe you and I could write a song together." I say then Y/n/n's around and looks at me " What the hell just came out of your mouth? And what did you do to Quinn Fabray?" Y/n/n asks " I'm with Quinn and Rachel. I mean if these two can agree on something it's probably an idea worth considering" Finn says " Ew." Y/n/n says " Wait, wait. So suddenly, you two are writing the music for regionals? No way. I think everyone should get a chance to write a song." Santana says " Santanas right. We can do this." Sam says " What do you think Mr. Schue?" Mercedes asks " I think we're doing original songs for regionals." Mr. Schue says and we all clap then Rachel turns to me and smiles then i smile back at her.

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