Not Happening, Yet

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"Well we have to tell Deku and the other extras that Racoon eye's needs us to be at 1a at break time." Katsuki says.
"When will you stop calling her that?" Sero says irritated.
"Shut up tape Despenser." Katsuki says.
Sero glares at him.

-With the Deku squad-

"Should I write 'To dodge explosions, rip the opponents legs and arms off' in my 'how to dodge attacks' page of my hero notebook?" Izuku asks.
"Nah, that's illegal. You already committed murder *kero*." Tsuyu said.
"FOR THE LAST FUCKING TIME I WAS GODDAMN FRAMED!" Izuku says letting his anger take over him.
Shoto is eating his cold soba a bit like popcorn but with chopsticks and he's slurping it, it's kinda like watching a movie while eating popcorn the Shoto way.
He put his hands over his mouth and said to Tsuyu in a muffled voice "I am so sorry! I didn't mean to yell at you."
"It's okay, and I'll reframe my sentence *kero*. You shouldn't write that down in your hero notebook because that's pretty much assault. Since assault is illegal, and you were already framed for murder that won't really look good on you in court *kero*."
"Thanks Asu- Tsu." Izuku says.
"Your welcome *kero*."
Denki, Ejiro, Sero, were peeking over the wall, glad Katsuki did not hear that "Should we tell him?" Denki said with a drop of sweat running down his cheek.
"No, I don't want Bakubro to attack him." Ejiro said in an unsure voice.
"Let's just approach them." Sero said.
"Alright." Denki responded.
Denki turned to Katsuki and yelled "KACCHAN C'MON."
"Well we are going to tell Midobro and his friends that Ashido-kun wants us to be there at break. Now come." Denki told him.
"Fine you bastard." Katsuki says throwing a temper tantrum.
Katsuki walks over to Izuku and the others. "DEKU!" He says tackling Izuku on the hard white marble floor once he's near Izuku.
"Wha-" Izuku was cut off by Katsuki once more.
"Racoon eye's says she wants us to come over to 1-A once it's free-time." Katsuki says to Izuku.
Izuku pushes him off and asks with suspicion, "Okay? What for?" Because it's Mina! She's obviously going to make them do crazy shit.
"She didn't tell us, dumbass, I would've said what she wanted us to do if she told us." Katsuki replies, really getting on Izuku's nerves.
Maybe I should sow his mouth shut instead of ripping off his limbs. Izuku thinks to himself. To keep him quiet so I can finally have peace. He didn't notice he zoned out thinking these things, he woke up from his own world once Katsuki said "EARTH TO DEKU!" At the top of his lungs.
"Oh, uh, sorry I zoned out for a second there." Izuku said gaining consciousness again.
"And you guys tell that blue-eyed idiot and that sleep deprived Barny to to come too because apparently Racoon eye's wants them to come, we'll tell the pros, because Pinky wants them to participate too." Katsuki says.

-Meanwhile with Mina-

This is all going so well! Mina thought to herself. Now all I need is to set up the live stream and wait, but first let's ask them their progress, as it's been about 20 minutes. Mina was calling Katsuki since she knows he's with the squad. Katsuki's ring tone started playing, his ring tone said 'Lord Explosion Murder has a phone call.' over and over again, Katsuki blushed with embarrassment. The rest of the members laughed when they heard it.
"Shut up." Katsuki said embarrassed. You could barely make out the words he's saying from under all the laughing.
"What the hell do you want Racoon eye's?" Katsuki asked.
"Well I wanted to know how the progress is going. So how many people have you told?" Mina asked him.
"Well we told Deku and the other extras now we're off to tell the pros." Katsuki says to Mina.
"Great! Tell me when you've told everybody." Mina replied to him.
"We sure will!" Sero says.
"Thanks babe!" Mina says to Sero.
Sero got all flustered again. "Still super manly Hanabro." Ejiro says to Sero.
"Thanks Kiribro." Sero says still blushing.
"No problem." Ejiro tells him.
Word count 723

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