Chapter 11-Disappearance

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Chapter 11

Loki's POV

The floor was the most uncomfortable thing I'd ever slept on. I suppose that was Odin's form of punishment; to take away everything that made my life comfortable.

I sat up and sighed, rolling my shoulders and head around. When I began to rub my neck, I saw someone laying just outside my cell.

Eren. Why was she here? She had a comfortable bed and nice room just upstairs.

"Eren," I said, hoping to wake her gently. "Eren, wake up."

She started and fell down the stairs; I almost laughed. "Loki! That's twice you've scared me!"

"You're not in your room."

"Oh, right." She stood up and stretched. "I got lonely, decided I could just come down and wait for you to wake up again. I didn't expect to fall back asleep."

"Eren, don't lie to me." I could see right through her. 

She stretched again. "Sif irritated me; I felt the need to be here."

I stood back, understanding immediately. "She advised you against continuing to see me."

"As you can see, I didn't listen."

"What did she say?"

She sighed and sat down facing me. "Nothing worth repeating."

"I can find out, you know," I said as I sat across from her.

She narrowed her eyes at me. "You wouldn't dare."

"Wouldn't I?"

I invaded her mind and found the conversation easily, because it was in the forefront of her mind. Eren glowered at me and immediately thought up a picture of me walking out a door. I chuckled.

"All that she said was true." I looked away, knowing I would see a look of anger or discontentment with my words.

"Loki, you are not a destroyer. The pattern here that I'm seeing is that family betrays you, and your first reaction as a prince who grew up around armies and wars is to begin one. Twice this has happened, and now you're here. Your family has done nothing but harm to you since I last saw you; I'm surprised this is all you've done, because you are capable of so much more."

I looked over, a certain pride filling me, not toward myself, but toward her. She was a wonderful woman; the man she married would be very lucky. If he considered her anything but a blessing, I would storm into his house and...well, it depended on who it was. Should it be an Asgardian, someone who properly feared me, I may not do them too much harm. But should it be a Midgardian who knew not of me, he would surely die.

Well, perhaps not die, as I wouldn't want to directly cause my Eren distress. But he would be punished.

"Loki," she said, drawing my name out. I felt the strange sensation of icy water being poured down my back (should I be able to feel cold). "What's on your mind? You just spaced out."

"It's nothing important." I watched her intently as she launched into another story, one of her time on Midgard. A few times she tucked her hair behind her ear, always her right ear. She didn't look at me as she spoke, but focused on her hands and looked around me. That must have been the reason for her constant hair tucking, she was looking down.

"Jason, you remember me talking about him, he-"

"Jason?" I interrupted harshly, suddenly realizing what she was saying. Jason Williams was one of the most intolerable Midgardians I'd ever had the displeasure of meeting. He was cruel to Eren verbally, although not quite to the point of abuse, he held himself in such a light that the entire world was at his feet, and he often was unfaithful to those with whom he had relationships.

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