Chapter 6-Rifts

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Chapter 6

Loki's room was different than I remembered it, and I paused when I walked in. The shades were drawn, the lamp was heavily covered, books were strewn across not only the tables but the floors and his bed as well. It had been so bright, so impeccably clean. Anxiety momentarily covered the anger I felt toward him-how sick was he? Had something serious happened-had someone hurt him? Surely not! Loki was strong, especially in mind.

I threw the shades open, providing the forest green and midnight black room with some light. While waiting for him to show up, I straightened up. Think of it as my only OCD tendency; I hated messes. Picking up the books, I discovered that some had torn pages and gaped at them. Loki must have been furious when this mess happened; he had always taken good care of his possessions.

"I'm not surprised to find you here."

Two books in either hand, I spun around to see Loki leaning on the doorframe, a lazy smirk on his face. "It's a mess; you take awful care of your things." The anger was back. He looked perfectly sane and healthy, save for the bags under his eyes. I set the books down quickly. I wasn't sure what he was going to do, and I didn't want to have my hands full if he came toward me.

What was I thinking? Loki was my friend; he would never hurt me!

Yet he had demolished half of NYC, killed a hundred or more.

"I haven't been around for quite a while, as I'm sure my mother told you."

Feeling very vulnerable and very afraid, I eased toward the door, not necessarily toward him though. He walked toward me, not understanding my intentions. "She did."

"What else did she tell you?" His tone was light, conversational. We could've been talking about the weather. So why did I feel threatened?

"Nothing." But my answer was too fast, and I had never been able to lie to him.

"Whatever it was, it was important enough that she had Odin postpone punishing me. Come out to the courtyard." He nodded me through the door, and I followed.

We walked; not together, but not apart. There was a huge rift between us that I hated. I wanted the old Loki back. I wanted to be able to tease and joke with him. But at the same time, I wanted him to leave me alone and never speak to me again. He had better have a fantastic excuse for what he did.

"What did my mother say?" he asked at the same time that I said, "I'm still upset with you."

"I know," he said, looking anywhere but me.

"'I know'? That's all you can say to me?" I hissed, stopping. "Frigga was wrong. You don't want to talk to me. I repel you."

He chuckled. "You hardly repel me, Eren. And was that what she said? That I needed to talk to you?"

"She told me to ask why you never came back to earth." I continued before he could respond, "I told her you wouldn't answer me. I was right, wasn't I?"

"Perhaps. Ask, and we'll see how I respond." I narrowed my eyes for a second. Liar. He just didn't want me to control the situation. I wasn't letting him take control though.

I began walking again, and folded my hands behind my back. Standing still made me restless. "Why'd you tell Heimdall to stop letting me through? Why didn't you come back?"

It took him a while to respond; we were on the grounds walking on grass before he spoke again. I thought he wouldn't reply. But finally, he said, "Situations changed. Odin finally told me that I was adopted, and I reacted as well as anyone should." I tried to imagine how I'd react if someone told me that my uncle had never really been my uncle, and it wasn't my actual parents that died in the fire. I'd probably punch them for my parents, but throw a party about my uncle.

"Loki, what did you do?" I said in exasperation. He had always tended toward passive violence.

"It is not important." His tone was flippant and dismissive. 


He sighed. "You're right. You do deserve an explanation. But I'm not going to be the one to tell you."

As he began to walk away, I grabbed his arm. What did I tell you? I was right; he wasn't going to say anything. But if Frigga was right, if I had some sway over Loki, I might as well try. "Loki, you are the only one I want to explain. I want to hear it from you, not anyone else." My voice was hard and unforgiving, although I was prepared to forgive him if he quit acting this way.

We were in the middle of the courtyard now, just standing there staring at one another. Others that I vaguely recognized stood around the outer edges, pretending not to notice us.

Loki's expression was difficult to read, but I tried nevertheless. Nothing. He looked almost bored. "Eren, you really can't hear it from me. Talk to Thor."

"Is it so bad that you can't even look me in the eye?" I hissed angrily. He was looking at his feet now.

"I'm sorry, but that's the last I'll say on the subject."

"You're not sorry." I released him and took a step away. "Don't say that." He stayed silent, and for the second time since seeing him again I felt hot tears well up in my eyes. "When you feel like talking, I'll be in my room."

And I walked away, my bottom lip trembling, but with my head held high.

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