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life changing news. ❜ 

THE MORNING had begun rather peacefully, Giselle waking up from the soft rays of the sun filtering through her curtains.

After stretching and getting out of bed, Giselle dressed and washed her face, brushed her teeth and then her hair, before styling it to her outfit casually. She took her tea, an aromatic and sweet earl grey with cream and a cube of sugar, before sitting down with her book as she awaited the rest to awake. She enjoyed the peace of the morning, it was quiet and calm, and the sun rising was so beautiful.

Matthew was second to wake, getting ready and sitting down to eat breakfast with her, their mother Isabel joining them shortly. He read the newspaper, though nothing really surprising had happened in the news since the sinking of the Titanic. Tragic news that had been, though the news they would soon be getting, not from a newspaper, would be equally as shocking.

"What do you have planned today, Ellie?" Matthew asked as he looked up from his paper, smiling at his sister who was sipping on her second cup of tea. Giselle wasn't a big eater in the mornings, preferring fruits or even a small bowl of porridge, but always a nice cup or two of tea.

Giselle smiled, thinking about her day, "Finish my book, practice the piano. Perhaps Mother and I will go down again to the hospital after lunch for some volunteer work."

"That would be lovely, dear," Isobel smiled as she looked up at her two children.

"Sounds like you've got a busy day ahead of you," Matthew smiled happily at his sister, who nodded with a wider smile at the validation.

"Indeed, quite the fulfilling day." Isobel approved, a large smile on her face as she watched her youngest flush as she shyly looked down at the attention of her two remaining family members.

Matthew went back to his reading as he ate, while Giselle continued to snack on her fruit. Today it was a plateful of sliced apples and a small plate of toast.

Ellen walked into the room, then, handing Isobel the morning post. "First post, Ma'am."

"Thank you, Ellen," Isobel smiled kindly at their maid, who had been with them since little Giselle had been a young girl.

Ellen nodded, before leaving the room.

"One for you," Isobel said, reaching out a letter to Matthew, while Giselle took another bite of her toast, having slowly finished off her fruit of the morning.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2023 ⏰

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