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As you can guess, this chapter is about Parabatai. Instead of Jace and Alec, however, I am doing Simon and Clary. No, not Isabelle and Clary, but Simon instead. This chapter has no context with my story, I just thought it would be interesting to write about. So, please enjoy the chapter. Also, Stella will be in it.


"Can you believe the day has a arrived." I stated

"No, my love. I'm surprised it's happening still, if I'm being honest." Alexander told me

"Well, I'm not. Biscuit and Sabel have known each other for the longest time. They will be a good pair." Magnus told us

"Simon. And your right about them making a good pair. Now shouldn't we start leaving?" I asked them

"Your right. Jace and I need to get the area ready. Can you believe their becoming Parabatai? I didn't think there would be another pair to come after us." Alexander said

"I know, my angel. Now let's go. You need to help get the preparations together." Magnus said, creating a portal.

Together we stepped through, and I saw a lot of parabatais. There were more parabatais than I thought in the New York Institute.

"Alright, Jace, Leo..." I could hear Alexander order as he walked away. I kissed Magnus, before walking towards Simon room. I could clearly hear Isabelle in there.

"I'm coming in." I said, entering.

"Stella." Isabelle sighed in relief.

"Now, Simon, stop freaking out. You'll be fine." I told him

"I know, but what if something goes wrong. I'm not a true Shadowhunter. Only an ascended one." He told me

"Simon. Look at me. You are a Shadowhunter. If you weren't a true Shadowhunter, would you bear the marks you have now. No, you wouldn't. Now, you are about to become Parabatai with your best friend and she needs you to be strong and fearless." I told him.

He took a breath and nodded.

"And if you get nervous, don't be. Jace and Alec will be out there alongside all the other Parabatais of the Institute. Isabelle, Magnus, and I will also be there. So, don't worry, for we are there with y'all." I told him.

"I'm not. I can do this." He said confidently.

I nodded and together we left the room. When we reached the center, I saw a lot of familiar faces ranging from Shadowhunter's form the Institute to friends I made throughout the years. As Clary and Simon stood in the middle of the room, I ignored as the Silent Brother spoke. My interest in all the Parabatai standing next to each other. Specifically, Jace and Alec.

Together alongside Clary and Simon, they spoke. The difference between the pairs being, Jace and Alexander eye's glow when they spoke.

"Entreat me not to leave thee..."

"Or return from following after thee..."

"For whither thou goest, I will go..."

"And where thou lodgest, I will lodge..."

"They people shall be my people..."

"And thy god my god..."

"Where thou diest, will I die,..."

"And there will I be buried..."

"The angel do so to me, and more also, if aught but death part thee and me." They finished

I watched as there marks glowed alongside the other parabatai. Together the parabatai spoke as one to Clary and Simon.

"Your parabatai, shall be your friend, sister, brother, and ally. Trust in them as they will do you. Cherish the bond for it can whither. As you have become one, know that you are one of the same, but two bodies apart." They told them, before breaking apart.

I watched as Alexander and Jace eyes dimmer back to there normal color, before Magnus and I went towards Alexander. Together, we wrapped ourselves around him and walked to the new parabatai.

"How's it fell to be parabatai?" Jace asked.

"I never understood what you meant when you said that Alec is your brother. Your parabatai. But I get it now. He's one half of your soul. I can feel it now." Clary said as we listened.

"Same. It's like I can feel Clary and know where she's at without trying. I can feel her emotions and almost see through her." Simon said

"Be careful. Should you look deeper in that feeling, don't let it swallow you. It is a great asset to have, but look to deep and you will lose yourself." Alexander warned them.

"I'll start training with them tomorrow. For now, let's all go have fun." Jace said

"Come on children, off to Pandemonium." Magnus said creating a portal.

As the others entered, I grabbed Alexander's arm and walked through with Magnus holding my hand. That night we celebrated the beginning of a parabatai birth and the longevity of another.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2023 ⏰

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