Let me go (a mindless behavior/diggy love story)

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(Rochelle's POV)

My names Rochelle. I look like your average teenager but I'm not. Yeah I go to school and go shopping with my friends just like any other teenage girl, right?


Everyday I come back to see my father coked out on our shabby old sofa surrounded by drugs and needles. The rare occasion when he's not high or drunk he's a great father. Full of love and kindness and happiness but when he's higher than the sun it's a whole different story. He abuses me all the time and pretends like nothing happens the next day. It's always been like this since mom left us here. She just packed up and left one day without saying a single word she was just.......gone. Ever since than we went from living in a 4 bedroom house in the suburbs to a small two bedroom apartment. You'd think that maybe once my father realised how broke we were and that we had barely enough money to keep us fed and clothed that he would try to give up his addiction, right?


Unlike some other people, school is a haven for me. No abuse. The smell of weed no longer flooding my nose. None of my friends know about my home life so it's a bit of struggle to explain to them why I've been away from school for months, but I'm a great actress, not a liar but an actress. I hide the pain under a fake smile that no one ever sees through.


-Friday, 4:00 pm-

"He was totally checking me out, I swear!" My bestfriend Eva shouts as we walk down the school steps

"Okay,okay I believe you Eva! I believe you!" I shout, I throwing my hands up in surrender and laughing

"You better believe me and anyway why would he NOT be checking me out? I mean c'mon I got all of thiissss" she says while doing a body roll

"Yeah" I chuckle "you got all of whatever THAT is" I say rolling my eyes at her vanity

"Whatevveerr, anyways I'll see you Monday!" She waves at me as she walks the opposite way down the street.

Now on my journey home. It sickened me to even think of that rut as a home. As I walked a million thoughts tumbled through my mind. As I began to see my house at the end of the street my pace slowed. Before I knew it I was standing on in front of my old tattered wooden door. I could hear my fathers voice and another deep, gruff voice talking. I took my door key out of my back pocket and slowly turned it as the door creaked open. I peeked my head round the door and saw my dad on his knees in front of a man in suit standing above him.

"Please I'll have the money by Monday I promise!" My so called father pleaded

The man in the suit grabbed him by his collar and lifted him up so they were face to face "that's what you said last week Anthony you owe me and I want my money NOW" he said in a calm but menacing voice

"Alright, alright! I'll give you anything what do you want!" My dad said in a weak pathetic voice as the black suit man dropped him on the ground

"You got a daughter right?"

"Y-yeah what do you want with her?"

"My boss knows a couple of young men and they need a few slaves. So either we take your daughter or we kill you" the suit man pulled a gun put of his jacket and pointed it directly at my dads head.

"Fine! Take her! Take her! Please just don't kill me!" My dad said crying

"D-daddy" I said just above a whisper as tears started to stream out of my eyes.i stepped into the house and just stood there in shock as the suit man plastered a grin on his face.

"I'm sorry angel" my dad replied as he waved his hand at the suit guy to take me away. The suit guy walked to me, put me on his shoulder and started to walk out of the door.

I started to kick and scream as tears continuously poured from my eyes "YOU BASTARD!! YOU'RE NOT A MAN YOU'RE A COWARD!! NO WONDER MUM LEFT US YOU GOOD FOR NOTHING!! IT'S YOUR FAULT!" I screamed as my dad stood and watched me be taken from my home.

The suit man threw me into the backseat of his Old Cadillac. He slammed the door shut and walked round to the drivers seat and got in. He turned around to face me and said "I don't want to hear another word from you until we get to the mansion do you understand?"

I shook my head yes. I was a badass but i knew that there were certain limits and disobeying someone that would kill me without a second thought was a not a limit I was going to cross.

It was about a 45 minute drive which gave me time to think.

'What if I never see my dad again?'

'Who am I being sold to?'

'What if they do kill me?'

All these thoughts just floated through my mind until the car pulled up on the driveway of a HUGE mansion and when I say huge I mean HUGE. The suit guy got out of the car and opened the car door on my side. I just stared at the mansion than looked at him and back at the mansion.

"Get out then" the guy said impatiently

I hurriedly got out of the car and he slammed the door shut. I followed him as he walked to the door of the mansion . He opened it for and I walked in. I stood there admiring, the huge staircase breaking of leading to the upstairs and at all the hallways leading to the different rooms.

"BOYS, WE GOT A FRESH ONE" the guy shouted. Almost immediately 4 boys walked to us from all different directions.

The first one through was a boy with a blonde Mohawk. The second through was a boy with short curly brown hair, followed by one with an Afro and lastly a boy with two long braids.

"What's your name shawty?" The one with a Mohawk asked me taking a step closer to me.

"M-my names Rochelle" you stuttered

"Well Rochelle from now on we will be your masters and you will be living with us" the short haired one said. He said, he had nice lips.

"You will address us as master Jacob, master Rayan,master, Craig and master trey" the one with an Afro said.

(A/N: I know rocs name isn't trey but I'm calling him trey so you know...)

I nodded slightly

"Are you okay?" 'Master' rayan said

I smiled slightly

"Let me show you to your room" he said smiling back to me

I followed him down a hall to my room. It was bigger and nicer than the room at my old house which was a plus I guess.

"Sorry our goon kidnapped you by the way" he said scratching the back of his head

"I didn't get kidnapped" I said quietly looking down

He raised an eyebrow "why are you here than?"

"My 'dad' sold me because he couldn't pay off his weed debts" I said making air quoted with my fingers when I said dad. He wasn't my father anymore.

"Oh I'm sorry"

"It's okay, it's not your fault" I said. A tear fell from my eye as it started to set in that my 'he' gave me away for weed.

"Don't cry, don't cry" he said coming over and hugging me. I cried into his chest. As he moved over to the the bed in the middle of the the room. I kept on crying until I found myself drifting off to sleep in his arms. I only just met him but I felt safe with his arms around me. Probably because I had no one else but I like this feeling but I knew damn sure it wasn't gonna last. Nothing in my life ever does...

Sooo should I continue or...?

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