Chapter 13: Finale

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"What will you do after this?" Kawada asked Nanahara

"I don't know. I've never really trusted adults. My dad and my mom ran off or died just because they felt like it but I'll keep fighting for me to survive and for hana" He looks at me

"even though I don't know how until I become a real adult" Nanahara looked down

"You won't make it" Kawada said

Nanahara looks at him shocked

"Why not?" I asked

"I told you guys not to trust anyone right, didn't I?"


"What do you mean?" I asked

"Well, you all trusted me too much"

"You all lose"

"Cut the sick joke kawada" Nanahara nervously laughed

"This is my way off the Island sorry, but I used you guys to save myself" He pointed his gun at Nanahara

"What about Keiko?" I asked

"There is no Keiko she was just a story to suck you in" He pointed his gun at me

"But why did you betray us?"

"You were perfect"

Nanahara tries to grab my riffle beside him, but stopped when kawada said something to him

"Hey, Nanahara, Can you really kill me with that gun?" Kawada asked

"Hana I don't really like you I just made that up so I can tricked you, don't be so angry on me, your just too stupid" He mocked

I know that this is just part of the plan but he don't need to mocked me okay?

Only nanahara, noriko, kawada, and me are only here

We decide to made up that they died so kitano won't doubt us

"Game over, For real this time" He pulled the trigger


We all enter the room and saw Mr. Kitano pointing his gun at Kawada

"Hey, How was it? fun? All of you surviving together. I've had it enough, the kids make fun of me at school and my own kid hates me"

"There's nowhere I want to go back to, so we're all going to go down together"

"By the way looks like many of you have feelings for hana"

"I'm so shocked when I found out just now, that you didn't kill them kiriyama just for hana, I didn't expect you to be soft"

Kiriyama glared at him

He showed us a painting were all of the students are dead except the one girl in the middle

"The only one who deserves to live are hana and nakagawa, but if I had to choose one of you, it would be you, Nakagawa"

Noriko shakes her head and point the gun at Mr. Kitano

"What? Go ahead, shoot"

"Nakagawa, you can do it"

Mr. Kitano pointed his gun at Noriko but before he could pull the trigger I shoot him

"Ouch! That hurt, damn it!" He pointed his gun at me but nanahara shoot him

A water came out of Mr. Kitano's gun

I fell on the floor kiriyama comforts me by patting my back

I felt bad for Mr. Kitano

A phone rings

Mr. Kitano stands up that made us all gasped he sit on the couch and answered the phone call

"Hello shiori listen, I'm not coming home if you hate someone then you have to live with the consequences Irresponsible? Who the hell asked you?" He throws the phone on the floor and shoots it

"The last one" He grabs a one cookie

"Damn good cookies" He passed out


"It's beautiful, even though it's where everyone died" Noriko said

"You can even steer a ship?" I asked Kawada

"Sure, My dad's a fisherman" He laughed

"How many jobs does your dad have?" I crossed my arm

When we all arrive at our destination we decide to part our ways

I can still remember what they said to me before they all left

Hana if we met I would like to kiss your soft lips again
- Nanahara

Hana I'll give you a lots of cookies next time
- Noriko

Hana if we met I'm going to court you even though you already have a boyfriend
- Kawada

Let's meet later my girlfriend
- Kiriyama

Thank you so much hana!
- Mimura and his friends


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