Chapter 1: The Stranger From Space

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It was your average run of the mill day in a devil infested world with people risking their lives killing those devils to keep people safe. That was until a spherical object could be seen speeding towards the city of kyoto where some stranger than usual events would take place.

"miss Makima an object has been seen heading towards the city at high speeds" a woman in a suit said nervously to a calm looking woman sitting in a chair close to the window.

The calm woman was called Makima, she was a powerful woman respected, admired and feared by many people. Makima slowly stood up with a soft smile.

"make sure civilians aren't in the area when it lands, it might be a devil" Makima said as she grabbed her coat as the young lady nodded and left.

-a few minutes later-

The object which turned out to be a space pod of some kind crash landed in a road where several devil hunters were waiting including denji, power and aki who were all prepared in case something bad happened.

"what do you think is in there?" denji asked to aki who stared at the pod before it started to open slowly which made all the devil hunters ready their weapons.

When the pod door finally opened and a teenager came out of it he was coughing due to the smoke and coincidentally Makima had arrived at the same time.

"why is there a teenager next to the pod I thought you got all of the civilians out of the area" Makima said before seeing that the boy had a monkey tail.

The other devil hunters seemed to be on edge except the main 3 who seemed to be staring at the boy thinking that he may be a devil before seeing Makima approaching the boy. The boy looked at Makima in confusion before seeming to feel calmer when she reached him.

"why are you here, young one?" Makima asked in a calm and caring tone which made the boy warm up to her instantly.

"I'm not sure why I'm here or where I am or where I'm from  but I know that this place must be a highly hostile place with all the weapons you guys have" the boy with a monkey tail responded.

The devil hunters were all ordered to lower their weapons since Makima didnt see the boy as threat which calmed most of the hunters but some were still weary of the boy and would be ready to attack if he did anything to harm Makima.

"would you like to come with me you must be hungry after that long trip from where ever you're from" Makima said before seeing the boys eyes light the one thing he seems to remember is that he loved to eat.

-a few minutes later-

Makima had gained some information about the boy luckily he remembered his name which was gokaru and he had a really big appetite since he had eaten all of the food the café had. Gokaru was currently in the car heading to the hq of the devil hunters.

"so you guys hunt these devil things to protect others?" gokaru asked as he took a bite out of a muffin.

"yes we do and I would like you too help us do that" Makima said in her usual tone of voice as she looked at gokaru who was wearing the damaged clothes he had been wearing when he had left the pod "but first we'll need to get you some new clothes" Makima said as the boy finished his muffin and gave a small smile before she explained that there were certain rules for him since people thought that he was a devil and that the others might kill him if he steps out of line.

"well then I won't step out of whatever line is given to me" gokaru said not really knowing what stepping out of line meant which seemed to please makima a bit before they arrived at the headquarters which gokaru was amazed at seeing how big the building was as he stepped out of the car with makima as it started to become night time.

"we'll have to start your registration tomorrow its seems we were at that café for a while you can stay with me in the meantime I live fairly close to headquarters so it won't be a long walk" makima said before they started to walk to her apartment as the screen faded to black.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2023 ⏰

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