Anesthetic Aftermath

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for cryoshia aka icee
- inspired by macklinsgf's fic "Wisdom Teeth" on AO3


It was a Friday afternoon when Kamala received a call from her best friend's nonna. "Nonna! Hope you're doing well. What're you calling for?" Kamala asked. She knew that it had to be somewhat serious if his nonna called her.

"Ahh, Kamala. Mio nipote.." Which meant 'my nephew' in Italian; Kamala thanked context clues. "Bruno is done with wisdom tooth surgery. I can not pick him up. Can your parents pick him up and bring him to our home, please?" Bruno's nonna asked. The Khans would help her in a heartbeat, but her parents were out for the day, and Aamir was with Tyesha.

She didn't want to say no to Bruno's nonna. "Don't worry, I can drive him home," Kamala replied. "Grazie, my dear Kamala!" Bruno's nonna said excitedly. She proceeded to give Kamala the details of where the dentist was.

When she arrived, he was slurring his words and laughing uncontrollably. Kamala could hardly understand what he was saying. She put his arm around her and dragged him to the car.

"How're you doing, Bruno?" Kamala asked, trying to stifle her laughter.

"My mouth is gooone," Bruno drawled. He had a cast around his head and cotton in his mouth. She couldn't help but feel bad, but this was just too funny for the girl. "Can we taalk? Pleaseee?"

Kamala chuckled. "Sure, what do you want to talk about?"

"I just wanted to ask you something," Bruno said, his voice & face becoming serious but still evident that he was not thinking straight.

"What is it?" Kamala asked, slightly concerned. She knew it was probably nothing to worry about, but she had never heard him this serious (loopy or not).

"You kept the secret a-boot Kamala, right?" Bruno asked. At least he still ensured her being a superhero was kept under wraps, even while drugged. Also, was he turning Canadian?

"Yes, Bruno. The secret about Kamala is safe and sound." Kamala said as she opened the door and settled him into her front seat. She fastened the seatbelt over him.

"Wooow, so secure!" Bruno said. It would've come across as sarcastic from anyone else, but he looked like he wanted to be genuine. She'd tell him all about how stupid he was the day after. Kamala walked around the car to the driver's seat.

"Are you sure the secret is safe?" He said, looking at her as she entered the car. She looked at him back while putting in her keys. He looked hilarious and a little gross. "I am 100% sure," Kamala reassured him.

"Alright, cause... I don't want Kamala to know I like her, okay?" Bruno said very worriedly.

Did that mean what she thought it meant? She'd take it the friendly way, just to be sure. "You're best friends. I'm sure she knows you like her." Kamala replied. She started the car.

"But, like, I've had a crush on her forever . She still has no idea." He said, chuckling.

Kamala felt her cheeks heat up. "Well, I heard a rumor she likes you back."

Bruno scoffed, "Pfft. Yeah, right."

Kamala shrugged, trying to play it cool. "I'm being serious! I think you should tell her one day."

He furrowed his eyebrows at her and thought about it. "Okay. One day." 

She grinned and drove him home. She hoped that he would pull through with that plan.

Anesthetic AftermathWhere stories live. Discover now