Chapter Two

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Finally, the first day back for the last year of school.

Thank fuck.

I'd been waiting for this day since Freddie was born.

Our tutor had sent out our schedules via email, and I'd already memorized mine. I got lucky with two half days on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, which meant I could go home after football training instead of sitting through the next class feeling grim.

At least I could pick Freddie up without any stress. Just gotta sit through the rest of tutor then I can find out who's replacing Mr Craig this year for Science.

Luckily, the bell was just about to ring so I started packing up all my shit and waited for us to be dismissed before making my way to my next class.

I stood outside the class, internally dancing to the song stuck into my head whilst I waited for everyone else to show up.

That was until I heard the obnoxious clearing of a throat not even a meter away from me.

To say I was pleasantly surprised was an understatement, the person who stood before me was incredibly attractive.

Then she opened her mouth.

And the disappointment hit me like a bus. 

She crossed her arms over her chest and looked me up and down, "How can you calculate the speed of light and yet lack the common sense to look before pulling out of a road?"

How can you be an A-level Physics teacher and yet lack the ability to calculate stopping distance?

"Who knows." I sighed.

She rolled her eyes in frustration, "Go sit down."

"Yes ma'am." I smiled sarcastically.

I picked a seat all the way at the back in an attempt to limit the interactions between me and the annoyingly attractive devil.

She came in shortly after, scoffing in my direction, "At the front. I have a feeling I'm gonna need to keep an eye on you."


I gathered my shit and moved up to the front, sitting on the opposite side of the room in the front row, "Close enough?"

"No, but it'll do." She retorted.

We sat in uncomfortable silence until the rest of the class arrived.

"Right. I'm Miss Phoenix if you didn't already figure that out. I don't have time for your faffing so you've got a minute to sit down or it's a detention."

Glad I came here early... I couldn't imagine spending another fifteen minutes with the grumpy bastard. 

I guess it's good that she's not working at Freddie's nursery then, the poor lad would shit himself. Literally.

Is she always bloody like this? How does she even do it? 

It must take up so much energy to be that grumpy.

"Right, what is your name?" She demanded.

I turned my attention to the front to see Miss Phoenix staring at me with her hands on her hips.

"Francis," I mumbled.


"Francis." I spoke louder.

"Francis what?" 

Is she doing this to wind me up? "Edwards." I sighed.

She raised her eyebrow taking in the information, "Pay attention."

Well, this is just a brilliant start to the year, isn't it?

I somehow managed to get through two agonizing hours of science as well as the three hours lounging around before I had to pick Freddie up.

Apparently, he made a new friend today and judging by this kid's outfit, I had a pretty good idea of who he belonged to...

"Of course he picks your one to get friendly with." She muttered, rolling her eyes.

I turned to the woman beside me, "Is this really how it's gonna be?"

She furrowed her brow, confused. "How what's going to be?"

"Oh great, now you're oblivious. What do you want from me? Why you gotta be so damn rude all the time."

"I just don't like you," she shrugged.

"You don't have to like me, just act like an adult and be civil. It's not hard."

"Whatever." She huffed.

Before I could reply, Freddie came running out with his new friend and a smile immediately spread across my face, "Hey Freddie."

I watched Miss Phoenix greet the other kid out of the corner of my eye.

What? I'm curious if she's capable of being nice.

"Hi bud. Did you have a good day?" She smiled.

Wow, I'm impressed.

"Yeah, Freddie is my best friend."

"Great," she replied, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

Not that the kid would notice; they're only about three or four.

"I'm guessing Freddie's yours then?" She questioned.

"Something like that," I smiled.

"I see some habits never change," she muttered.

"Right, come on Fred, before I drive your Dad's car up someone's backside."

"See you tomorrow, Edwards," she called out behind us.

"Looking forward to it," I replied, not bothering to look back.

"You really had to pick that kid huh? Well, whatever makes you happy buddy..."

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