Chapter 12

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Bhekani's POV

"Introducing, maybe but not... Nothing but short sweetness... Why do l have to marry you... I mean your father can be defeated, just we ain't the people to do that" l say while looking at her, her smile... Her skin cold like a winter morning
" Introducing me to you is symbol of affection and love... We have to wed... He's going to be powerful . With us married we will be stronger... Together ,please consider Mageba, Ndabezitha , Mtwana... Ngikucela Themba lami, izigama Saka , l need you"....

I wake up sweating, 'Wife' was here... She always visits my dreams from 25 to the last day in every month.... I still can't see her face only her body, ... I ask myself whether l'm losing my mind or what because it felt so real
I check the time it's 03:47 , l won't be able to sleep.. lemme study once ... After an hour... I decide to take a break... I'm going to shower at 05:00
I browse through Instagram... I come across an IG account... "Nzelo?!" I ask myself, clearly surprised

-Nature is my beauty 🤎

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Zelo_454 shrinkage 🤍Like by Siphe_23 and others

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Zelo_454 shrinkage 🤍
Like by Siphe_23 and others

"Wow" l say to myself... She's damn pretty...
I follow her hoping that she follows me back..
I wake up, make up my bed then take a shower...
After l'm finished with doing my morning routine, l head to the kitchen... I'm met with divine smells ... Mom is cooking and oh boy she cooks
" MaDube" l say as l kiss her cheek, l do it almost every day she's my woman, the only woman l will love forever " Yah Khehla, wajabula namuhla kwenze njani?" She says smiling relieving that full smile (chuckles), " Oh well l found out that the girl from Burger King... Remember her!?" I ask with my eyes wide open...

" ... Ohh yes, the one you were drollin over, yeah what about her" she asks with one eyebrow rised , surely she's interested to know
"Well.... I found her" l say happily, jumpy and over the moon " Ohh really, kephi?" She asks curiously " She goings to my school, same class and l found her IG account "... She seems impressed " Well done mfanas " sometimes she calls me mfanas... " Shela phela, ngifuna ukubona ukuthi ayisona isishimane Khehla" she says laughing " Kodwa ma.. aayi let me go" l say smiling , l take a banana and and an apple, mom made me a lunch box (chuckles )
" I'm still a baby huh!?" I say to myself looking at the lunch box at least l'm saving lunch money
I request an Uber, and it arrives in few minutes, hop in and off to school.
I hope today l will have a fruitful day

I arrive just before 07:00 , l put my books in my locker... We have lockers here at school ... My first period is... Mmmh Maths , l take my textbook, note book and my maths book
I walk towards my class... Just guess who l find in the class room... Yep it's her
I give her an exciting smile... Showing that l miss her l don't even know her, but l'm going crazy (chuckles)
She smiles back, then her face is glued to the screen, that's a bummer... Buuut l'm grateful that she's.. just here near me
" Bheka" she says , then she covers her mouth shocked " Shxt, l meant Bhekani.... Bhekani" l smirk " Wassup, ukahle?" I ask her , looking at her from my desk " hmm.. l was wondering if you can help me with something " she says with a smile but a bit shy " l can't login to my Instagram account, l think it's hacked " she says looking at her phone, with a frown " Can you help me" she says looking at me , her big round eyes are looking at me , she had glasses on...
I get up and come closer... The more l come closer, the more l become stronger
I don't know but yeah that 'stronger' she looks at me, l think she felt it but let it pass

" Lemme see,... Ohhh no you just pressed the lock mode on your phone, no one hacked your account Nzelo" l say after unlocking her lock mode... She looks at me , then laughs... " Gosh l'm so dumb" she says continuing to laugh, l also laugh but lightly " Ohh gosh ngaze ngahleka , Thank you"
" You're welcome, You can call me Bheka it's okay" l say with a reassuring smile, she looks at me confused then in a split second she is shy and covers her face with her hands " Aaaa I'm so sorry, ngivele ngaphuyukelwa" she says in a soft voice, charming me uyangihlonipha (chuckles) "Khululeka Mmilo, it's fine , plus l gave you a nickname so l'm perfectly fine being called Bheka" l say so dramatically making her giggle... " Ok 'Bheka' how is school so far?"
Ohhh well amazing since l met you, wishing l can say that but... Gwabagwaba ingibambe nge tie " Well l'm at home, l won't lie... I was welcomed with warm hands"

" Mmm awesome, l hope you enjoy being here, l'm honestly tired" she chuckles " This school bores me, there's only learning and teaching... Yeah l agree we have sports, but what about the social issues we face as teens , l mean depression, anxiety, substance abuse, why don't we have clubs or group sessions where we gather and just talk" she says, it looks like she's going through something... I can feel it

"My point exactly! Like the school l came from didn't even have sports, l mean we are teens not adults l believe we have to be given a chance to teens, be goofy, emotional... Open,
Our generation is sad, broke, depressed and likes" l sigh " l see your frustrations " l say then give her a comforting smile " l think we should be the first ones to change that" she says smiling ... " Let's start a club, MAYALLBEFREE club, we can ask a young teacher to watch over us, maybe just maybe we will be able to talk freely without any judgement hey" she finishes her statement, never ceases to amaze me... This girl " What a great idea, but we have to plan properly... I love things organized and arithmetic... If you get what l mean" l say with a smirk " ha l get you, so it's a deal!?" She asks , her eyes wide open and smiling... Her body turned to me as she is waiting for an answer " Sure def " she squeals, she tries to hug me but... A electric shock comes between us, both of us we felt it and we can't breathe.....

The door roughly opens people are screaming, Siphenathi and Sboniso are shaking us as if we have fainted, what's going on.... Then lights off

As Zenzelo tried to hug Bhekani because of e excitement a great shock comes between them, both of them are gasping for air, Siphenathi and Sboniso found them collapsed , Zenzelo is not breathing, Bhekani is half conscious, he's breathing but faintly... Their classmates are screaming for help while Siphenathi tries to wake up Zenzelo, same with Sboniso to Bhekani

- Guys, they have found each other now , bitter sweet truth will come out
Are they going to survive
Stay tuned for more!!!

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