Chapter 11: He loves me? He loves me not?

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"-Im afraid"

I walk to Arthur as I take his hand, we look at our hands as they intertwine, I look up to him as his gaze doesn't break away from our hands, I place another hand as I lift his chin up, looking into his soft deep blue eyes, I run my hand down his soft and scratchy stubble. I lift my face up to his as I release my hands placing my hands into his soft hair, he wraps his hands around my waist, he starts to heavily breathe,

"Ive kissed girls and you before, but why do I feel different?" He said softly said rubbing my waist,

"Because this one is from a girl who really cares." I place my lips on his on mine slow and gentle, deep and meaningful, and will responsible for chapped lips the next day. His lips were warm and soft. They parted slightly, allowing my tongue to slip inside. He smiled onto my lips as he grabbed my hips, kissing me harder and leaving me breathless. For some reason this kiss felt long-awaited, wet, hot, with a lot of tongue, Arthur began to push me into the side of tall wagon that connected to my tent, like Arthurs. Our bodies pressed together heatedly against the wall, breathing heavily as our lips pressed together. he released the kiss, breathless he smiled, "We gotta stop doing this-" I rolled my eyes as I brought him into a kiss he again pulled away, "-Aella, what about john? And what if we get to that step-"

"Arthur?-" I said finally realizing the conversation that we needed to have. He looked at me with eyes I couldn't really understand. His face looked pure and soft. "Do you still love her?" I said looking down for a split second, he didn't respond I could see as he bit down, his cheek muscles flaring. I pushed him off as I sighed, "I understand Arthur. You cant love a girl like me!" I chuckled as I felt my chest ache,


Arthur tried to reason, giving up he sighed and left the tent, I looked at him as all emotion left my face, I grabbed a piece of paper and a pen as I began to write frantically,

"Dear John,

You can show the gang this, I know Dutch especially will be upset and Im sorry, I write this letter because I need time. Away from this life for a minute, things have happened that I just need to think to collect my thoughts. Outlaw life as you know. I will be back but I promise you I will be in touch.

I love you John,

Aella Marston."

I needed time.

——- 2 weeks later

I jump off spirit into the rough slippery mud, I had been gone for about a week just enjoying the wilderness. I grab out my sketch book as I began to draw the horizon, big mountains and a beautiful lake underneath. I put the book down as I finished the last detail. I set my book down as something slipped out, taking hold of that piece of paper I pull it out. I stare at a beautiful sketched out picture of me, but I never drew it, it was me standing near a bounty poster of someone I couldn't make out, my leg is up on a box as I draped my hand over that leg, my other hand was placed on my hip, I had a huge smile on my face, I ran my hands across the paper as I looked to the corner,

"Arthur Morgan"

I remembered it now.


"Ah Puta, they got John on that poster!"  Javier said as he walked up to the poster inspecting it, I walked next to him as Dutch chuckled,

"Stand next to it for a second I wanna see this resemblance you apparently have!"

It had only been my first week with the gang, we had been doing some robberies but nothing big, we were only in town to get a drink or two in a neighboring town I laughed as I stood next to it, Dutch squinted his eyes as he motioned his hand to move closer to the poster, raising my eyebrows I place my foot up on the wooden box bellow as I leaned closer, Dutch chuckled as he looked to Javier,

"They look exactly the same! Maybe we could get the bounty money for turning you in!"

I laughed as I made eye contact with Arthur who had been quiet this entire time, I watched as his eyes softened at my laugh, making eye contact he gave a smile.

That smile. It was so real, I remember my cheeks beginning to redden as I looked to Dutch,

"You want a free 500 bucks?"

And that's exactly what I did, we turned me in and broke me out.


I placed the photo down as I began to think of Arthur. That sweet smile, it was something I had never really thought of till now. Even when he "hated" me it didn't occur to me. My happiness brought him so much didn't it?

It did didn't it?!

I stood up and ran to spirit throwing my book into my saddle pouch I kick Spirit into a full run, back to where the camp was, I knew the exact way back. I needed to apologize I had done something terribly wrong and needed to fix it,

For my sake and Arthurs.

I took the familiar trail back to camp taking a harsh turn into the clearing I stopped, I hopped off Spirit as I ignored the sudden huddle of people gathering around me, I pushed pass and ran into Arthurs tent, he sat on his cot with his journal out. He looked rather sad, hearing me approach he shot his gaze up from his journal.

I start to breathe heavily as his eyes widened as he stood up I ran to him wrapping my arms around his neck,

"Arthur- Im so sorry!" I cried into his shoulder as he placed his head into the small of my neck his arms tightening around my small frame.

But something didnt feel right.

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