Chapter 22: all be true

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2 weeks had passed, Arthur now was doing much better he was getting up and helping out around camp, I on the other hand was getting tired more frequently. I could feel as the baby was growing inside of me. Arthurs baby. I was doing well hiding the morning sickness, John was helping me out, getting me my food cravings and other things. Ive been pregnant before but I have some new problems, my hormones were through the roof. I was constantly wanting to have sex with Arthur. It was compelling and annoying to say the least. I need to tell him soon. This baby is growing and fast.

I closed my journal as I placed a hand on my stomach, I was beginning to grow a little bit of a stomach. Arthur had been helping Pearson with food today, finally trying to get back out of camp. As much as he liked the extra time with me, I knew he hated being trapped here. Hearing someone approach I placed my journal away, "Aella?" A familiar voice rung, Arthur entered the tent as he walked up to where I sat in a chair. I smile as he leaned on the armrests, his hair had grown so much longer from his two weeks of torture as he called it, thankfully I only got him to shave the beard. I liked his now shoulder length hair. His hair fell out from behind his ears as he leaned closer to me, "Whatcha doing beautiful?" I smiled up to him as I placed a hand on his chest. Simple things like this got my crazy hormones wanting him.

"I just want you." I smirked, he leaned down kissing me softly, "oh Arthur." He took my hand as he helped me up, he than placed his hands on my hips, his smile slowly dropped, "dear you feel different-" he said with a curious expression, my heart dropped as I smiled "Im fine Arthur-" I said pulling away I was going to have to tell him soon, and probably now by the look on his face. "Arthur-" I said holding my hand to his cheek. "I need to tell you something sit down." He smiled softly as he sat down I could tell he was on edge about something. I ran my hand through his hair as I smiled as I felt my anxiety rise.

"Arthur, ive been hiding something from you. Im sorry-" Arthur stood up as he placed his hands on my cheeks leaning down to me, "Aella Marston, dont you ever apologize to me. Whats wrong?" He said rubbing his thumbs along my jawline.

"Arthur-" I pushed out of his grasp, looking away I held myself not ready for his reaction,

"-I'm. Im pregnant." I said shutting my eyes tightly. I was not prepared for what would come next. Would he run, stay? I didn't know. I stood in silence not wanting to say another word. I felt a hand wrap my waist as I felt Arthurs head rest into my neck, "You are- really?" He asked as I turned to look yo him, he looked neither happy or sad. He seemed broken.

"Arthur- what did I do?" I said holding my hands to my chest he looked to the ground as he sighed.

"Did I ever tell you about Issac?" He said sitting on the cot, what was Arthur confessing? I nodded 'no' allowing him to continue.

"It's because I had a boy, a son named Issac. Got a waitress pregnant. We weren't involved but I loved that boy. And that day I came back to vist. But it they weren't there- it was because my son was killed, Two crosses in-front of the house." He said his eyes filled with tears. John was right, Arthur did know my pain.

"I had a Daughter. I adopted her, Marie. She was killed by her biologicals fathers gang rival, just because he roamed in another gang" I said tilting my head up tears spilling out. Arthur stood up and wrapped his hands around me, "Im sorry-" I wrapped my hands around his neck as I felt a tear fall from Arthurs eyes. "Arthur- this must be gods calling- if that mans real. He wants us to have this." I said planting a kiss in the mans soft bronze hair. He pulled off his hands on my hip as the moved to my stomach, "This is no place to raise a child, dear." I shook my head as I smiled, "John and abi-" Arthur placed his hand over my mouth. "Its not right, me and you- we are leaving if and when I am getting us out. I am giving that baby a life. I cant- Im scared to loose again." I looked into Arthurs determined eyes I gave a nod as he smiled, "Im going to be a father-" he said as he smiled wider. "And its with you." I smiled as I brought my lips to his feeling his long hair touch my face. He hands so ever gentle around me.

I was going to be the mother of a kid of someone I truly loved

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