Part 6

952 25 5

Author P.O.V

Y/n: ( wakes up) damn that was a great nap [ user has completed a secret quest: open mukuro heart: user has gained 76,000 exp and has lvl up x7, 30,000 dollars, a skill stone, and 160 points ] okay summon skill stone ( breaks stone) [ skill telekinesis has been learned and no mana is required for use] open stats
Name: Y/n
Race: human
Gender male
Title: angel of death
Affiliation: none
[ stats]
Level: 105
Exp: 6,400/10,500
Hp: 11,250 ( regen 5,500 per minute)
Mp: 10,700 ( regen 5,250 per minute)
Strength: 189
Endurance: 194
Agility: 191
Intelligence: 199
Wisdom: 194
Points: 160

Gamer mind lvl: 100/100
Gamer body lvl: 100/100
Observation lvl: 33/100
cost 10 mp
Cooking lvl: 5/100
Magic sense lvl: 18/100
Cost 30 mp
Dash lvl: 37/100
Cost 40 Mp
instant dungeon lvl: 100/100
Escape dungeon lvl: 100/100
Mana manipulation lvl: 35/100
Cost 55 mp
Swordsmanship lvl: 40/100
Rot resistance lvl: 2/100
Rot manipulation lvl: 4/100
Cost 25 mp
Shadow manipulation lvl: 10/100
Cost 30 mp
Blood lust lvl: 6/100
Cost 20 mp
Sun breathing 9/13
Total concentration breathing: 2/100
Cost 300 mp
Shadow resurrection: 1/300
Borrow: 1/1
Telekinesis: 1/100
wait now thinking about it were is mukuro

Kurumi: oh you're awake ( walk towards y/n and hugs him ) you had me so worried for you ( starts to cry ) I through you were dead

Y/n: I'm sorry kurumi ( hugs her back) I'll try to be more careful next time alright and plus it takes more than a energy blast to kill me

Kurumi: alright come downstairs breakfast is ready also there's someone here to see you

Y/n: someone here to see me ( walks down stairs) alright who's here to see me ( gets tackled into a hug) what in hell mukuro

Mukuro: mister you're okay

Y/n: yup and please drop the mister just call me y/n alright

Mukuro: okay muku will call you y/n

Y/n: your acting more different is it because i open your heart

Mukuro: yup you open my heart and protect muku

Kurumi: okay muku stop hugging him he is still recovering

Mukuro: okay sorry for hurting you y/n

Y/n: No it's fine kurumi just jealous that another girl is hugging me

Kurumi: lies

Y/n: okay let's eat and go out and see what the world has to offer ( all three go and eat breakfast) alright kurumi when we're done go and help muku pick a outfit because she can't go out with her spirit armor ( open inventory and takes out bags of clothes) so pick out anything I'm going to change ( leave to the bathroom to change )

Kurumi: okay mukuro let's pick out something nice to wear ( grabs the bag)

Mukuro: okay ( both leave to change)

Y/n: alright this is nice

Y/n: alright this is nice

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