Part 5

773 24 4

Author P.O.V

Y/n: ( wakes up) god I slept good last night hey kurumi get up we have things to do and people to kill.

Kurumi: alright let's get up

Y/n: alright we have some stuff to do first like talk to Elliot and get more allies

Kurumi: why do we need to do that

Y/n: because in the world we were at first our strength is not enough to kill beings who can destroy planets with a flick of their wrist

Kurumi: alright so what's first

Y/n: first we recruit a very powerful spirit to help us

Kurumi: who will that be exactly

Y/n: the spirit known as zodiac

Kurumi: who is that

Y/n: No one knows her because she lives in space and I'm going to recruit her

Kurumi: okay are you going alone or do you want me come to

Y/n: I'm going alone but I'm going to need something [ open store and goes to skill section]
Alright ( scroll down until something catches his eye) that one and 15 thousand dollars alright ( buys skill) [ Borrow: a skill that allows the user to borrow any skill from any one but will take double of the mp and will cause the user a grand amount of pain per minute] alright now time for breakfast ( goes and makes some breakfast and eats it with kurumi)

Kurumi: so y/n what's your plan to kill Mio

Y/n: I have a good plan but I'm going to workout and you can do whatever you want to do

Kurumi: I have stuff to do so see you later ( leaves through a shadow)

Y/n: alright time to work out ( does daily quest) alright now rewards time
Daily quest: get stronger
Push up: 100/100
Sit up : 100/100
Squats: 100/100
Run: 10/10km
Time limit: 2 hours
Reward 1: Status Recovery
Reward 2: 240 points and 13,100 dollars O
Reward 3: loot box
Penalty: If not completed in the time limit the player will be sent to the penalty area.
Alright so accept ( gets a notification) [ Because the user didn't accept reward 3 the two loot boxes will combine to give user a A rank loot box] let's fucking go accept reward 2 and 3 and open loot box ( gets A ranked armor, two guns, cloak, 25,000 exp and skill book) [ user has gained 25,000 exp and level up x3]
Name: Y/n
Race: human
Gender male
Title: angel of death
Affiliation: none
[ stats]
Level: 98
Exp: 1,100/9,800
Hp: 9,800 ( regen 4,100 per minute)
Mp: 9,500 ( regen 4,250 per minute)
Strength: 142
Endurance: 147
Agility: 144
Intelligence: 152
Wisdom: 147
Points: 240

Gamer mind lvl: 100/100
Gamer body lvl: 100/100
Observation lvl: 23/100
cost 10 mp
Cooking lvl: 5/100
Magic sense lvl: 16/100
Cost 30 mp
Dash lvl: 37/100
Cost 40 Mp
instant dungeon lvl: 100/100
Escape dungeon lvl: 100/100
Mana manipulation lvl: 35/100
Cost 55 mp
Swordsmanship lvl: 40/100
Rot resistance lvl: 2/100
Rot manipulation lvl: 4/100
Cost 25 mp
Shadow manipulation lvl: 7/100
Cost 30 mp
Blood lust lvl: 6/100
Cost 20 mp
Sun breathing 9/13
Total concentration breathing: 2/100
Shadow resurrection: 1/300
Borrow: 0/1
alright unequip old armor and equip new armor and add 40 points per stat and now open stats
Name: Y/n
Race: human
Gender male
Title: angel of death
Affiliation: none
[ stats]
Level: 98
Exp: 1,100/9,800
Hp: 10,250 ( regen 5,120 per minute)
Mp: 10,200 ( regen 5,000 per minute)
Strength: 182
Endurance: 187
Agility: 184
Intelligence: 192
Wisdom: 187
Points: 0

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