𝒚𝒐𝒖'𝒓𝒆 𝒏𝒐 𝒃𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓!

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after practice- most players gear were frozen; banks clothes were frozen. the whole room filled with anger, but i couldn't help but laugh. my equipment was perfectly fine- these jerks finaly got what they deserved. i got dirty looks from my whole new team.
" you were in on this, huh? you knew all about it..." rick said. i truthfully didnt have a clue about it, but boy if i did- i would want to take full credit for it. " no i wish, you assholes finally got what you deserved."i rolled my eyes and checked the boy with attitude.


i was sitting at the jvs table when the whole varsity walks up. " hey congrats on the game!" the guy with greasy hair brought up their previous game. " yeah, right. we tied." char decided to add negativity to the conversation.

" hey, a points a point."

" you're only saying that because varsity plays dirty." i mumbled under my breath, but still loud enough for the jocks to hear.

" we are all warriors now. you guys proved your guts." varsity was obviously talking about the freezing incident. " you all set for dinner friday?"

" dinner?" russ was just as confused as i was.

" its an eden hall tradition. varsity gets to treat the freshmen to dinner. so, round up your posse and meet us at 6:00 at the minnesota club, downtown. anybody need a ride we can take you. i mean you guys do like steak and seafood, right?" greasy boy was acting like he memorised and studied this speech for hours, but i doubt he could put in five minutes worth of studying towards anything.

" yeah we do." conway said, wanting to end this rival.

" look, i dont like you pukes, all right? but this is a tradition. at eden hall i learned to follow tradition." banks then followed behind the group, i still didn't understand why he was sitting with those scums- he could do way better... " its cool."

" oh its cool.."

" lets go. if banks says its cool.."

" we might as well go"


there were lots of conversations taking place at the dinner, and let me tell you- it was fancy and huge. these fancy pricks took us here, and it was gorgeous. even though i had to sit by varsity i still enjoyed it.

" i love this tradition! At my old school we didn't have traditions like this.."
" waiter, I've got too many forks. i only need one. i don't y'all i just... whats this little bitty one... whats this little bitty..." which followed along with a chuckle.

the teams seem to be communicating well, i still didnt trust it at all. adam whispered next to me after he asked me to pass him something, " who could of thought you could've gotten anymore beautiful." and right then, i was happy that ivy convinced me to go to dinner.


a glass began getting tapped, and rick began speaking since he can never stop. " on behalf of the eden hall warrior varsity state champion hockey team, id like to welcome the future state champs, the eden hall freshmen. here, here." and we began clicking our glasses. "we are just glad you loaned us hart and banksie so that we have a chance to beat you guys in the annual freshmen- varsity showdown. now, nobody move. we have got one more suprise... fellas?"

then more mumbling circulated the room. " hart.. banksie.." i dropped my wallet onto the table and followed behind varisty- if they are doing anything bad, might aswell try and help them.

we left the dinner and i couldn't help but freak out at banks while we drove home. "you dont understand. some people, unlike us, cant afford that, you guys are selfish pigs. i thought you were better than that banks." i said before looking out one of the varisty boys car window.

" you're no better, what did you do to help them?" the snobby guy said under his breath. " something a lot better than what you would think to do."

" hey preppy, just take me to banks house as well" it was friday, and we usually go home on the weekends and stay at dorms on the weekdays- it was just easier that way. but the preppy gave me no attitude and just nodded- knowing it wouldn't be a great idea to fight with me right now.

" theres no way they just left them there to pay that. none of them can afford it. theyre lucky you left your card there." the banks princess was speechless." your brother was being an ass the whole time in the car, i almost hit him." i huffed. " theres a reason he doesnt have a girlfriend and please, im begging, wait for me to see that in action."   i just laughed and went downstairs to get some water, it was late after all.

i walked down, and it was dark. i started filling up the glass before turning around to go upstairs. " you know, i didnt know they were going to do that to the ducks- i knew about it the same time you did."

" banks, i had a gut feeling, i knew before they even thought about it. so i had to do soemthing."
" hart, you cant be mad at me." the young boy said before stepping forward.

i have kissed the banks boy many times, ivy has never found out about a single one- the first one being many years ago at the cottage and the most recent one.. well...

he leaned in and kissed me for a few seconds before i went upstairs, leaving him behind while he was stuck in the dark. his blush could've been spotted from miles away, no matter how dark it was.

i forgot about the water completely and left to go upstairs.

untied laces,, adam banksWhere stories live. Discover now