Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

"This place is creepy," I commented, looking around at the caverns were traversed.

Remember, it's not real, said Marik.

But it feels real.

"Well guys, the good news is that each of us defeated one member of the Freaky Five!" said Téa. "Three down, two to go!"

"The bad news is, we don't know where they're gonna strike next," said Yugi. "Or who they're gonna strike next!"

"Serenity, I'm coming!" Joey shouted and took off running.

"Joey!" Téa and Yugi called after him.

I sighed. "Guess we better follow." The three of us ran after him, managing to keep him in sight.

Does he ever stop and think? Marik said. Tiring us all out won't help him save his sister. We need a better plan.

Well, if you've got one, go ahead and share it. Marik grew silent.

We had been running for awhile when I scream reverberated on the walls. "You hear that?" said Téa.

"That was Serenity screaming just now, I know it!" said Joey.

"We're gonna find her, Joey!" said Yugi.

"I hope so! Hello?" There was no response. "Serenity!"

I stumbled as I tried to keep on running. Yugi slowed down to help me stand upright. "Are you alright? I can ask Joey to slow down."

I shook my head. "I'll be fine. Besides, it would be worse to have emotions even stronger if we don't run as fast as possible."

"Just don't over do it."

"None of this is real, remember? It's all in our heads."

"That doesn't mean your body won't break down. The mind is powerful. Let me know if you get too tired."

I gave him a small smile. "Thanks."

At least someone gets it, Marik said.

A little while later, someone screamed in anguish, "No!"

"That sounded like Serenity!" Joey shouted.

"Joey?" said Yugi. Joey suddenly picked up speed. "What! We'll make sure she's okay."

Joey appeared to ignore him. "Serenity!"

"Joey, wait! We gotta stick together!"

I sucked in a sharp breath. "This is not good."

Do you sense something? Yami asked.

I can feel some of Serenity's emotions, which means we're close. She's upset about something, and it's not the kind of upset you would feel for yourself.

Do you think something happened to Tristan or Duke?


Then we better hurry.


Just what we need, Marik muttered. I chose not to respond. My legs felt like they were on fire, but I kept on running. My friends were in danger! We needed to help.

"I'm coming, Serenity!" Joey shouted.

"Does Joey even have the slightest idea where he's going, Yugi?" Téa asked.

"I doubt it, but at this point his guess is as good as mine!" said Yugi.

"We're going the right way," I said. "I can feel her emotions."

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