Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

"Well, Seto..." came Noah's voice from the sky.

"Well what?" said Kaiba.

"Ha ha ha! You may have won your duel, but you've lost something more important: your brother!"

Kaiba's anger rose. "Where is he?!"

"Here's a hint. Just look down." The road appeared in front of Kaiba, and a tunnel formed across from him.

"The road's back!"

"Proceed ahead, and you may find him."

Kaiba ran for the tunnel. "Mokuba! I'm on my way!"

"Kaiba, come back!" Yugi called after him. "That may be a trap!"

Kaiba looked back at him in annoyance. "Just stay out of this, Yugi!"


"Who do you think you are?" said Joey.

He's a fool is what he is, said Marik.

He does need to learn to accept help from others, I agreed. No one ever accomplishes anything alone.

I think he would beg to differ.

"This doesn't concern you, Wheeler!" said Kaiba. "It's family business!"

Joey crossed his arms. "Okay, fine! Lose your body for all we care, ya stuck-up jerk! Who needs him? We're better off without him anyway right, Yugi?" Kaiba disappeared through the tunnel. 

"Goodbye and good riddance, Kaiba!" said Duke.

"Hold on, guys," Yugi said. "We should help him save Mokuba!"

"I agree," I said. "We shouldn't let Mokuba be punished because his brother is stubborn."

"Yeah!" said the robot monkey. "And if he finds Noah, then he might find my body!"

"He's right!" said Serenity, who held the monkey in her arms. "Following Kaiba may be the only way to save Tristan!"

"Halleluiah! Did you hear that?! Thank you, Serenity!" The monkey buried his face in her chest. "I knew you'd believe it's really me trapped in here! I can always count on you!"

Duke picked up the monkey from his tail and frowned at him. "For all we know, you're Noah's pet baboon!"

"We can't let Kaiba go alone," said Yugi. "I'm going to go after him!" Then he ran for the tunnel.

"Hey Yugi, wait!" said Tea. "I'm going too!"

"So am I!" I said, running after them.

Well, it's better than waiting around for more trouble to strike, said Marik.

I caught up with Yugi and Tea, and we walked until we reached a fork in the road. "Great," said Yugi. "Wanna flip a coin?"

"Nope!" said Tea. She pointed to the left. "He went this way!" Then she ran off.

"Tea! You sure about that?"

"I have absolutely no idea!"

"That makes two of us." Yugi glanced at me as I ran beside him. "How about you?"

"My magic isn't usually that great at tracking," I said. I paused as I focused on my senses. "But with so few real people around and Kaiba's strong emotions... Yeah, I think we're going the right way."

Yugi smiled. "Great." He looked ahead and frowned when he saw Tea so far away. "Slow down, Tea! Your legs are longer than mine, remember?"

Tea did slow a little. "Hey, check it out, guys!"

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