Shower time(smut)

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Hello guys! I dont know if this is going to come out before or after part 3 of TorD but oops.

There is also fluff at the end.

This is my first time writing smut so leave me alone😔. I dont even know if I'm gonna post this but we will see.

Ship is DabiDeku. Aged up Deku, he is 22. Deku is a villain and so works with the league and is dating Dabi and they share a room. There is also ShigaDeku siblings. There is also hints of NatShig smut.

Now let's start!

Izuku's pov:

It was 7 in the morning and I needed to take a shower. I made sure Dabi was still sleeping before getting out of bed and walking into the bathroom. When I got into the bathroom I turned the shower on, stripped my clothes off then got in.

Third person pov:

Dabi had woken up and wondered where Izu was until he heard the shower. He wanted to go pay him a little visit so decided to get up and walk into the bathroom. He opened the door but Izuku made no sign of him hearing so he walked in and started to take off his clothes. After taking off his clothes he got into the shower behind Izuku and grabbed his waist.

"Morning Baby" Dabi whispered into Izu's ear.
"M-morning Dabi. What are you doing in here" Izu replied, blushing a bit.
"I just wanted to see u" He said as he kissed Izuku on the neck.
"B-baby~ Ugh~ Y-you know I'm sensitive on my neck" Izu said as he began to blush even more.
"Mhm, that's why I'm doing it" Dabi said into his neck.
"D-Dabi s-stop ngh~" Izu said now becoming really sensitive.
"I don't think I will, Bunny~."

Izuku turned around to face Dabi and kissed him. Dabi picked Izu up and slammed him against the wall before going back to kissing his neck. Izuku was now a moaning mess with Dabi sucking on his skin and grabbing his Dick.

"M-mmm~ D-Dabi please more!!!" Izuku practically screamed.
"More what Bunny" Dabi said while smirking against his neck.
"Y-you know w-what!"
"Hmmm I don't think I do" Dabi said teasing him a little bit.
"Uhhhhhh, just fuck me already!"
"Fuck me please Dabi, Please!!" Izuku pleaded.
"Of course love" Dabi said before sucking on Izuku's neck again and pushing a finger into Izuku(While Izuku was begging he put lube on his fingers bc they keep a bottle in the shower).

"D-Dabi! N-ngh~ H-hurts" Izu said head on Dabi's shoulder.
"It will be okay soon darling~" Dabi whispered into Izu's ear.
Dabi added a second finger into Izuku before thrusting them both and making a scissoring motion.
"N-ngh~ D-Dabi! Please, I need more!" Izuku pleaded.
"Wait a minute Bunny~"
Dabi had soon taken his fingers out and lubed up his Dick.

"Are u ready Bunny?" Dabi asked making sure Izuku was okay with it.
"Y-yeah, I'm sure. Now just hurry up."
"Yeah yeah whatever" Dabi rolled his eyes.
Dabi turned Izuku around before slamming in.
"D-Dabi!!! N-ngh~ Faster pls~" Izu again pleaded.
"You need to adjust first Bunny" Dabi said to Izuku.
"N-no pls just" Izuku said not caring if he got hurt, he just wanted to feel pleasure.
"If u get hurt it's ur own fault" Dabi again said rolling his eyes.
"Yeah yeah, now just move please." Izuku said starting to beg.

Downstairs with the rest(third person):

"It is 9 in the fucking morning and they are already fucking at it!" Shiggy screamed starting to get annoyed.
"Yeah yeah calm down, let them have their fun. I can get Natsuo if u want" Toga said while smirking at Shiggy.
"Don't u fucking dare Vampire! I need to plan an attack and not being able to walk will not help at all!" Shiggy said to Toga.
"Yeah yeah wait a second" Toga walked away and got Shiggy's phone, she clicked on Natsuo's contact and began to ring him.

/"Hello Tomu"/ Nat said from the other side of the phone.
/"It's not Shiggy, hehehe. But can u come over to the base and sort Mr.Grumpy out."/ Toga said to Natsuo.
/"What's up with him now"/ Natsuo said as he rolled his eyes.
/"He's angry about the usual 2 going at it again and he won't calm down."/
/"By the usual 2 do u mean his brother and Dabi."/
/"Wow congratulations Mr.Smarty, would u like a medal"/ Toga said while laughing.
/"Yeah yeah whatever, I'll come over. Tell Kuro to make me a portal from my bedroom. Cya soon"/
/"Yeah bye"/ then the phone line was dead.

"MAMAGIRI! CAN U MAKE A PORTAL FROM NATSUO'S ROOM TO HERE PLS!" Toga shouted from down the hallway.
"Ofc young Toga" Kurogiri replied before making a portal for Natsuo. Natsuo walked through the portal and went straight up to Shiggy's room where he knew he would be having a strop.
"Knock knock can I come in" Natsuo said as he walked in.
"No u can not now get out" Shiggy said grumpily.
"Well I'm here now" Nat whispered into Shiggy's ear. Shiggy began to blush.
"H-huh how did u get there so fast."
"That's a secret, Mi Amor~" Nat whispered into Shiggy's ear soon moving down to his neck and leaving marks.
"N-Nat~ S-Stop" Shiggy pleaded trying to get Natsuo to stop which didn't happen.

Back with Izu and Dabi(third person):

Izu and Dabi had just finished and Izu was struggling to stand up. He leaned onto Dabi hinting that he was struggling to stand and needed help. He got the hint and picked him up.
"You were so so good for me today Bunny, I love u" Dabi said as he kissed Izuku on his head, his cheek, his nose and his lips.
"I love u too, now I think I deserve cuddles" Izuku giggled while saying the last bit.
"Okay love."
Dabi laid Izuku down onto the bed before getting in next to him, Izu snuggled into his chest while Dabi put his arms around Izuku holding him close.

"Is that Shiggy" Izu asked after hearing a noise.
"Sounds like it" Dabi said before laughing a bit.
"I think he was complaining so Toga or somebody called Nat and now bam."
"More then likely, he doesn't like me touching u. Especially not in the morning's" Dabi said while Izuku laughed.
"Mhm, now let me sleep" Izuku whispered as he nuzzled deeper into Dabi's chest.

Bam I'm done... yeah ik this is probably bad but it's my first time writing smut.

Anyways I hope u enjoyed!!!

Buh bye!!!

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